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Plasti dip parts


Active Member
November 22, 2011
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2014 Black Explorer Sport
Hi just wanted to make a thread about people who used plasti dip on their explorers. You can post pics of the parts you plasti dip. Here's the parts that I plasti dipped. I did the front grill and side mirrors. Its white with pearlizer over.



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turned out pretty good in the picture. was it hard to do?

turned out pretty good in the picture. was it hard to do?

Not really, just had to put 4 coats of each white and pearl. Plus its cold in Fresno so I had to use a heat lamp to speed up dry time.

So I assume the white is plasti-dip, what did you use for the "pearlizer"?

Looks great. I love how fast plasti-dip is growing now. And plasti-dip has pearlizer for the guy above ^^

Looks real good man... Nice job!

thanks guys! Planning to do the chrome pieces on the grill, door handles, roof rack and back chrome pieces black.

Nice work, looks good!

dumb question..... could plastidip be used on the door kick plates to help prevent them from getting all scratched up as people get in and out of the car? Or would this just rub off the plastidip?

dumb question..... could plastidip be used on the door kick plates to help prevent them from getting all scratched up as people get in and out of the car? Or would this just rub off the plastidip?

It could! After a while it would rub off/down, but you can just respray (its cheap enough).

Lots of people put it on their wheels during winter for protection, then peel during summer. To me this is the real purpose of plasti dip.. temporary uses. I find it cool that people are using it for modding now too. I am contemplating doing my door handles in black (chrome just doesn't match the sport, and paint is just too much hassle)

Looks good! How close did it match to the TriCoat White? I have the same color but I did my grille all black.

I like this and I am doing to do a few parts with the pearlizer on mine

that looks pretty good. I tried PDing my emblems white but it looked like crap bc it didn't match the paint. I need to try some Pearlizer

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