Please help with trailing arm replacement... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Please help with trailing arm replacement...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Mercury Mountaineer
Anyone have any suggestions on removing trailing arm on 2003 Mountaineer/Explorer? I was able to get the frame end nut loose, but the knuckle/"tie rod end" end won't budge. Yes, I loosened the crimp bolt and used a ball joint separator fork, but no go. I was even able to hammer the fork in all the way, but it's not thick enough to pull it out enough. Am I missing something here? At this point I'm considering sawing off the "ball joint" shaft and drilling out the remainder in the knuckle carefully. It seems and sounds extreme, but I'm at a total loss here on what to do. Please help!

Take a torch to it and a few whacks w/ the separator should pop it out

On mine the "crimp bolt" needs to be removed completely in order to separate them, not just loosened. The ball joint pin has a cut-away and the bolt holds it in there.

Wow, I know exactly what you're talking about...makes perfect sense. I will try that tomorrow--I just bought a bigger hammer, too!:) Thanks tons!
