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order black headlight housings to finish the look !...

I Know im ordering another pair, because my passenger headlight got hit by my grandpops work truck...

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order black headlight housings to finish the look !...

I Know im ordering another pair, because my passenger headlight got hit by my grandpops work truck...

whats a good place to order them from

bought mine off ebay, and will be ordering them again... well cause my X currently looks like it has a lazy eye at night :thumbdwn:

but they will be ordered hopefully tommorrow....


order black headlight housings to finish the look !...

I Know im ordering another pair, because my passenger headlight got hit by my grandpops work truck...

I kinda like the look of how it is now and i love lighting and the black headlight housings will decrease my light output slightly my friend has a maxima that he just got those for and his hids look a different shade of color now. I tried ordering clear corner housings from amazon but they sent me the oem ones to late to return now :(. So yesterday i put the newer ones on the truck and im thinking about smoking just the corner lights if anything. Id really like to just open up the corner lights and chip off or take out the amber piece but my mechanic friend said after i get it open I would crack the housing before getting the amber off...Any thoughts?

hey i was thinking fedy,,, mabye just color the orange piece i am actually thinking about doing that now.. i cant find clear corners anywhere on the island.

Just cover the whole light but the orange piece and black it out ? mabye someone could quick photoshop for you


since you got an extra set of oem lights, see what u can do ?

is that trexx lift that one thats for 2006 and up explorers and did you have to do anything to it

here is my 05 X, my wife said i could get the Body lift in 2 weeks then spacers the next pay day so she will soon be lifted!!!






here is my 05 X, my wife said i could get the Body lift in 2 weeks then spacers the next pay day so she will soon be lifted!!!






wow another elmendorf guy, let me know how it goes on your truck and i may follow your footsteps, trying to remove the stock front struts on my 04 and have been having nothing but troubles

yeah im an elmendorf guy.. i sent you a PM. i think ive seen you on other forums.... NASIOC? AKMS?

Just some pics of My ex :)

(never posted pics, hope this works)

Some Stock Pics





Workin On the Ex (3" Bod Lift)


Done (for now)



Still to come
-Paint bumpers
-2.25" Spacers
-Window visors
-18's with 285/75's
-Dual Pipes out to the rear (have 40's exiting under the truck now)
just to name a few things ;)

stsmoker, how do those 40 sound? are you a 4.6l? and is it dumped?

Right now i just have a single in dual out dumped under the truck. they sound decent, crawled under there after i had the exhaust place put them on and it looks like the used 2.25" pipe instead of 2.5" and they put some weird bends on it so it looks almost like it may be choking the exhaust a little. When i get some money though...prob wont be after i leave for basic :( ... but with that body lift im pretty sure i can get 2 pipes to the back so im goin to take it to a different shop and see if they can square me away. another thing i noticed about the exhaust is that infront of the muffler there's a flange and in front of the flange it looks like the pipe is about 2.5" and reduces down to 2.25"/2.0" not sure on the exact measurement. but im goin to see if they can just cut to back there so i get 2.5" into the muffler instead of 2.25" (sorry if this made no sense haha) and no i only have the little ol 4.0 unfortunately.

yeah i only have the 4.0 as well. what branch of service are you joining? im in the Airforce and so is Ridestreet84


I like many other people, am a big exhaust fan, and will prob continue to mod any other vehicles i may own in the future...

this is just pure opinion, but let me just throw it out to you...

the best bang for your buck, considering COST Vs. HP/TQ GAINS.

Run single 2.5'' pipe from the end of the Y pipe, to the muffler of your choice. then run 2.5'' pipe over/under the rear axle, and out the rear.

this is an optimal CBE set up for lightly modded 4.0's, and 4.6's


I appreciate the input man! After i get out basic and all that and tech school for the probably going to get some 5 spoke tsw 18's with 285/70's (hopefully that combo will fit) and i'll get some more pics up but unfortuantely it wont be for a good while because i leave in 2 weeks for basic. $$$ here i come haha

This is a sweet explorer that was at the LA autoshow a few years back, I think 2002. Not my photo, found it on the internet. And yes that is real birch wood paneling on the side. I'll take one of these. I just thought I'd post this.

Photo Source:

Lol ^^^^ epic win !

My stock x for now at least o_O




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