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Pod Guages


Well-Known Member
January 20, 2000
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Watertown, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
Anyone know if the mustang or ranger A arms inside the cab are the same as the explorer for a 91-94? I want to put one of those pod guages on my truck with a real oil pressure guage in it but I'd like it to actually fit


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I don't know about the Ranger, but the 87-92 Mustang is different than the '92 Explorer.

The dual gauge pod from a '93-'00 Ranger from autometer.com will fit a '91-'94 Explorer. I have a '94 and this is what I used... I've got Air/Fuel ratio and Tranny Temp gauges in the pod.

The Autometer site says that's part 15308 for a single and 15309 for double. But that's the same part number for the '95-00 Explorer. Something must be wrong here.

91-94 Explorers have the same A-pillar as 95-01 X's I believe.


how hard was the tranny temp to install for a guage? I'm really interested in doing that and an actual oil pressure guage... if I can simply unplug the old sending unit, and put a new one in and reconnect it to the new guage, that would be ideal. right now i'm engaged in installing a fabtech pre runner. I had it factory match painted to the strawberry red....only problem is that where the bolts line up, there are already bolts for the bumper brace.....i'm giong to see if i can find some longer bolts and just mount using the same hole....fender flares should be on by sunday as well. I am abit annoyed by the difference in color though. YY is the factory paint code...which is a factory white color...but the old and new dont want to match EXACTLY... just a hare of color...I'm going to buff the heck out of the old and see if the removal of the old wax will lighten the look up and match them better...Lots to do... too little time.

hoping to get a an amp and a couple of 12" subs soon too...

btw, the fabtech bar is very impressive looking. I'm really surprised by the strength of the bar for a light mount. Only complaint is that it only has 2 light tabs....

Once I had found the right hardware, the tranny temp sender took about half an hour to install. I bought a mini pipe cutter and cut a small portion of the fluid tubing up near the bumper, just before the metal tube turns in to rubber and enters the cooler. Once that piece was out, I installed a compression Tee fitting and a brass piece that the sender could screw in to, tightened them all together, ran the wire, and voila. I like having the gauge, it's reassuring that the fluid temp has never gotten above 180 degrees... I've got 106K on the tranny and it still runs great.

guys im totally interested in this tranny temp guage, i would like it alot, what do i need to get?
