Poor MPG. I get 80 miles with 10 gallons of fuel. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Poor MPG. I get 80 miles with 10 gallons of fuel.

i saw an article today about the roof racks lowering gas mileage.i removed mine a while back for this reason.

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If you have to rev it to keep it from stalling, you have a problem. When I bought my van it would stall, I put a new maf sensor in and it cured that problem. A broken wire to the O2 sensor, a water temp sensor or intake air temp sensor giving a faulty reading would kill your mileage without throwing a code. I drive like I rented my van and it still gets 15 mpg around town, 21-26 on the freeway.

Thanks I replaced the Maf and o2 sencer. I never thought of temp sencer because 2 days ago my temp gauge acted strange. First I drove 3 blocks up hill and that was maybe 1 minute and as I was at the light my gauge swing over to the 2 o'clock just at the beging of red and I was parked on a hill. As soon as the van moved and I was on flat land 30 seconds the needle went to 11 o'clock as Normal to day I went to Taco Bell wife likes that stuff,it's about 2 miles needle was non moveing. I get to TB go threw drive threw place order pay and leave the needle jumps to 11 o'clock my normal reading. But any other time since I've had the van with in 30 seconds I get a temp reading and it's the same. No swing no wacky reading. Just the same 11 o'clock normal reading.

Thanks I flushed the coolent system when I first got it and when I filled it I left the cap off and it puked all over my grill staining it. I had to paint the gril black it looked so bad. How do you check the level. Hot or cold

I looked at the DVD and I did what they say about the 2 stage locking cap. But my manual says check over flow cooling bottle. I can't find a bottle just a hose hanging down. Are you supposed to run the engine with the cap locked on the first stage so the air bleeds out shut it down and refill it to top of neck?

I looked at the DVD and I did what they say about the 2 stage locking cap. But my manual says check over flow cooling bottle. I can't find a bottle just a hose hanging down. Are you supposed to run the engine with the cap locked on the first stage so the air bleeds out shut it down and refill it to top of neck?

Cap needs to be locked, coolant won't circulate properly or it will overflow out around the cap when hot. The bottle probably broke so the previous owner just removed it. Do you have to add coolant very often?

No the other day I was on a hill and the needle stayed flat lined. I drove and it popped up to normal.then going to Taco Bell my needle stayed flat lined got there on the way home it popped up to normal. Any other time is works like normal.

Sending unit or fuel guage

Well another 2 week fill up and I've been reading the manual it tells you how to test if your guage works how to test the sending unit. But not how to calibrate them. Manual says 92 and up Aerostar dash must be replaced as a whole unit. So if one guage gos everything gets replaced. This is the problem we have a 20 gal tank the most I've ever gotten in it was 16 gallons of gas and that was on the redline. My fillup gos like this first 1/2 tank I get 100 miles. The second half is 60 and if I go to redline 75 max. But at fill up I'm only getting 14/16 gallons of gas before it starts pouring out of the filler neck. There's no over flo hose by the neck so gas hits the ground at the neck fillup. Bad dash or sloppy sending unit. I could say just do go past 3/4 but fuel is expensive in Vegas even with a discount it's $2.30 for tiger piss. Or you by Russia gas which is $2.15 gal but the octane is 84. 2 points below regular gas and who knows what's in it. I figure a sending unit job is going to be a bear to do. Once the tank it down then you replace tank filter fuel pump ect... So if I live with it I must keep track on the trip OD because you don't know when one or the other might go

Most I've put in my tank is 22 gallons. My gas gauge is off under the .5 mark too.

the tank is plastic and in the middle[side] of the van.it should be pretty easy to remove.i suspect the fuel guage is replaceable.i know the speedometer is replacable.it was just easier for ford to replace the whole cluster.if its a twenty gallon tank filling it up with 16 gallons is reasonable since it still has an unknown amount of gas in it.

I've dropped a tank on my aerostar. It is pretty easy if you run the van out of gas first. If you are in the tank replace the fuel pump at the same time, if you have my luck it would die on the fill up. Auto meter makes a few sending units that would work with the stock cluster.

Yes the speedo is replaceable but the rest of the gauges are not. In fact they warn you in the service manual do not lay the gauges face down. There I capsulelated with a fluid suspension and they will get damage. So if it's a 22 gal tank and I can only get 16 and it starts pouring out of filling neck it's a quarter tank off that's a lot. Like I posted full to 1/2 a solid 100 miles in city bumper traffic. After that maybe 60 miles and 75 on the red line. So with wishing I'm probably getting 12-14 mpg in the city then and I could live with that over 8.
