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Pop - Smoke - Air Leak


New Member
July 22, 2002
City, State
Urbana ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Eddie Bauer
HELP! I was heading out, fired up my 1997 Explorer Eddie Bauer with V8 awd 130,000 miles. First time I turned the key and it didn't start. Second time I turned the key something popped and smoke started to pour out from under the hood.

The smoke was gone before I could open up the hood so I couldn't see where it was coming from. I tried starting it again and it fired right up, but now it idles pretty rough and sounds like I have a major air leak somewhere around the Top middle of the engine. I have checked tubes and plugs and everything seems fine.

It seems to run fine except for the idle which goes from a rough idle to high rev back to rough idle in about 1 minute. The truck has been running fine, although I have noticed a small oil leak the past few weeks.

Can anyone think of anything I should be looking for?


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After visions of major engine overhaul and kissing money goodbye, My wife found the problem.

A small stopper under the "dust cover" popped off an air intake. She put it back on and all is back to normal.

So the question is, shouldn't it be more difficult to take that thing off, and what is this intake for?

Normally the vacuum will hold it in place but because you had a backfire it blew it off. If you secure it more tightly then next time the next weakest will fly off and that might be harder to find.

He He, Your wife fixed it.

So in other words Howard, Don't firmly attach that one, cuz you might not be able to find the next one? :p

Thats just it Todd. The explosion will seek out the weakest part and if you strap everything down tight it might blown the plastic inlet manifold. Which is more $$$. You've got to let it out somewhere.

Sort of like a blow off valve in a hot water heater. They put it on so that will blow before the tank itself. I get it!!:D
