Popping clunking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Popping clunking


August 23, 2021
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Year, Model & Trim Level
07 4.6 awd
Iv been searching the threads but can't find anything that matches my scenario or has a solution. I'm leaning twords a tcase chain.

Under load while accelerating hard or while off road like climbing a steep hill, I get a loud clicking (popping) sound. Audible for a great distance. My off road climb has taken to calling my truck marry poppins. I thought it maybe a cv axle as it seems to come from the left front from my perspective. But iv been told by my passengers that it seems to be all 4 wheels or my tcase. It doesn't seem to effect my truck. No lights or codes. Just a very audible mechanical pop. Like a chain skipping teeth or cv axle. I can some time replicate if hard accelerating from a stop. Doesn't matter if it's low lock, high or auto.

2007 4.6

Also this has been a random occurrence before my lift and tires. Mostly low lock. The ruck doesn't seem to bind or buck at least that I notice on rough trails

Is there a coupler in these 4412 cases that could be bad causing rough engagement? Has 256k on it. Or could it be the chain or spider gears. Doesn't seem to matter if wheels are turned or not.

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Check rear knuckle related bushings.especially the lower ones

It’s most likely your clutch in your t case slipping.

Tcase thoubles could be tested with the brown 4x4 module wire disconnected.
Without brown wire voltage supplied,there is zero torque transferred to the front axle or thru the electromagnetic tcase clutch

Have the exact issue on my 08 V6, still haven’t found a possible cause.
