Possible 4x4 Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible 4x4 Problem


January 9, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Atascadero, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT 4x4
I have a 2002 Xlt that I just put into 4x4 for about the 3rd time since I owned it. It snowed where I live which is rare so it was a good chance to get it into 4x4 and test out the traction. I drove about 5 miles half in 4x4 low and the other half 4x4 high. I pulled into the gas station and as I walked around the front of the X I noticed a Weird smell. Like a Warm Grease smell that is never there otherwise. Is this normal???? What should I check if its not! The
4x4 otherwise worked to perfection!!

Was it absolutely necessary to drive in 4x4 Lo for 2.5 miles? how fast were you actually going while in Lo?

You should have driven in 4x4 Hi. I would only use 4x4 Lo to get out of a deep mud / sand / snow - stuck situation or to pull something stuck in such conditions. Ussually no more than 50 meters distance.

If nothing feels wrong, then make sure you have serviced your transfer case and transmission fluid as the manual says.
