Possible joining HID vendor with questions! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible joining HID vendor with questions!

What are you guys looking for HID wise? 70w, 55w, 35w you prefer to light up the road or just get some extra color? How about you guys with fogs how would you like some good kits to replace the weak fogs Ford gives us?

Love the feedback!

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Light up the road for sure. And is there any way to keep flash-to-pass capability with HID's?

Hey are you referring to being able to still use your highbeam for flashing? Yes you certainly can still flash to pass, I have a new Ducati 1198 superbike and we have a little switch we can flick to flash the highbeam on-coming and these kits work fine on that as well.

The new kits we would sell will not see damage or reduced life by flashing them. Especially the digital AC kits.

being able to retain the high beams and a reasonably priced kit would be the winner winner chicken dinner.
would you have something for the fogs as well?
what type of kits do you sell? an idea on pricing would be good too.

Thanks for feedback, based on your info under your avatar looks like you have a 2011 limited?

If that is the case then I can tell you right now you can retain high beam capabilities. I have test fitted kits on the new explorer and have had no issues with high beam usability so you are good to go! I can also provide HID fogs for the new explorers as well. But those would match beautifully with a 5k or 6k low beam kit.

I hope I will not get in trouble from the mods, not a vendor yet, so I think I will just give a range. I have kits that range from the 35w $100 range up to the $225 for the 70w extreme brightness kits.

If you haven't already, talk to the forum admin/owner Rick before getting too serious about vending round here, just an FYI if you weren't already aware**

As far as HID's go, I've got two sets from DDMTuning, 35w digital ballasts with 9007 and 880 series 4300k bulbs. LOVE THEM. However, the digital ballasts have been my weak point. I've had two go bad and have a third one that seems like it's on its way out ((they've replaced the last two)).

Would be very interested in checking out the quality of your stuff if you can match DDM's prices and customer service!

Hey, I agree I will probably be joining as a vendor. I wont be advertising products or direct pricing now obviously. I wanted to gauge interest first and it seems good.

As far as DDM they definitely offer cheaper kits. The kits I would sell would be more expensive than them mainly because of quality of build. Without the hassle of ballasts going out and the benefit of higher light output.

If you haven't already, talk to the forum admin/owner Rick before getting too serious about vending round here, just an FYI if you weren't already aware**

As far as HID's go, I've got two sets from DDMTuning, 35w digital ballasts with 9007 and 880 series 4300k bulbs. LOVE THEM. However, the digital ballasts have been my weak point. I've had two go bad and have a third one that seems like it's on its way out ((they've replaced the last two)).

Would be very interested in checking out the quality of your stuff if you can match DDM's prices and customer service!

DDm is a bad joke, they sell failure prone chinese made junk.
it makes no sense installing $50 chinese made crap on a 40k truck, no thanks.
after reading some horror stories like cars catching on fire and others wrecking because of faulty suspension parts from ddm failed i decided to steer clear.

hidexpert i sent you a pm seeing you're in orlando i'd be interested in picking up a couple of kits from you this weekend.

gill - got your pm and left you a vm about meeting up to grab some kits

Guys I think I will be joining the forum, have gotten a lot of pms for interest in providing HID kits. Thanks for all of the feedback and comments so far!

I'd be interested in seeing what you have to offer. Looking forward to your product posts once you are a vendor.

just paid, officially a vendor!

I will get some threads going here soon to talk about what I have to offer.

I've been hunting for someone who sells projectors for 4th gen Explorers. What I want is to be able to buy the headlight assemblies with the projectors pre-installed. I don't want to have to mess with heating them up, etc in order to get projectors in my 2007.
