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Post speaker installation problem


Elite Explorer
April 24, 2001
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'91 XLT
I installed new speakers yesterday, the Pioneer 3-ways. My old stock speaker in the rear driver-side acted as if it was blown. It was much quieter than the others and had a lot of static in it. This began after I had the guy that put in my HU fix the fade/balance because it was backwards. Now the new speaker acts the same way. Could he have not made a good connection of of the HU or could it be the wire or what? Also, when I turn the stereo off the same speker makes a loud "THUMP".

Any help is appreciated. Thank you, Kyle.

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did you bypass the factory amp? i had the same problem before i bypassed mine. now it is fine.

Honestly, I don't know if it has an amp. It has the most basic, crappiest stereo ever. The problem first ocured after the guy who I had install the HU fix the fade and balance. So could he have not made a good connection? I am going to pull it out tomorrow so I can look at it.

yes, it could be a bad/loose connection somewhere.
good luck, i hope you find it.

I'd go with Leenjen's advice, and look behind the radio. Someone on this board posted that his problem was with the wires grouding out when the temp control panel arms were sliding back and forth and cutting into the wire bundle and grounding it. Besides looking at the connections, I'd look behind the temp panel. You can sort of see it if you just stick your head down below and look up behind that area.

I have a feeling that the reason it wasn't staticky between these episodes might have just been a fluke of luck. To keep messing around with the harness meant the installer had to keep pulling out the wire bundle and pushing it back it. It's quite possible he pushed it back in the first time and the wires didn't touch anything, but now that he fixed it the second time, they're touching again. Also, if you see any other loose wires, just cover them with electrical tape, even if you don't think they're live.

If you need help removing the dash panel, just post, anyone here can help you out with easy instructs.
