Power cables 1 or many? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power cables 1 or many?


March 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport
ok heres the question... would it be better to run a 0 guage wire to the back left compartment then split it from there to go to the amps or would it be better just to run each amp separately from the battery?

for right now i am will be running 300watt rms amp.

but for later ill be runing a 600x1, 100x4 and a 2x50 watt rms amps.

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You can do either way. 1/0 is overkill for what your putting in, but you may change your mind later. To make it unmessy, I'd personally run just one wire to a distribution box. If you haven't bought anything yet, I'd recommend knukonceptz or darvex on ebay. Knu wires are packed with a ton of strands and awesome prices. Darvex.com has stinger stuff amazingly cheap, and also great prices on ringterminals from audiopipe. Either one will have great prices on fused distrubution boxes. Good luck and have fun.

I am going to be running a 1600 watt amp and a 420 watt amp, and ran 1/0 gauge wire to a distribution box that splits to 4 gauge wire for power, and the same for ground... I will also vouch for Knukonceptz on eBay... All of my power cable, connectors (bananna plugs and ring terminals), interconnects, fuses, and distribution boxes are from them... They are vey inexpensive, high quality stuff, and they usually ship next day or 2nd day air. Very nice.

hey guys/gals, i have 2 amps. a 800x4 and a 820x2 right now im i have 4 gauge power wire, will it make any difference if i upgrade to a 1/0 gauge? whats the difference?

thanks, dre

I've got 1/0 to a spliter to my cap to my 2 amps... if it's not 1/0 it's 4ga... I've got my alpine at 900watts constant and 1500max and my kicker is, um, claimed 30x4, it's more than that... and I think I'm doin alright

Originally posted by Krzyboy2o
right now, i have 4 gauge power wire, will it make any difference if i upgrade to a 1/0 gauge? whats the difference?

yea it will make a difference. when you move more power though a cable the cable will heat up.. in turn the reistance of the cable will go up. which means less power for your amp to use.. so if the problem is in the powercable when your amp goes to peak out it will clip the wave.. which A.. will sound like crap (if its really bad) or B over a long period of time it may damage your speakers from many violent stop due to wave clipping.. but you cant with to big of a cable. so it depends on your power consumpution.. correct me if i am wrong. but i still am going to run a 1/0 gauge and rig a cap in to the line.. then a fused distrubitor then out to the amps the 600 and the 400 rms amps are going to be 4 and the 100 is going to be 8. this way the power supply is not the limiting factor in the system... then to the alternator :( dont exactly have to money for the one i want. anyways.. maybe that helped you a little

thanks pizza.. that helped a lot. its true you can never go wrong with a bigger wire. i heard darvex.com is cool place to buy these kinda stuff.. what do you guys think? oh yah i dont have a capacitor yet, what brands are you using? im thinking of getting a stinger 1 farad 20 volts. will that be sufficient enough?
thanks again..


i know stinger is a good brand.. but i am not really sure what size you should. i guess i would depend on your alternator... i remember reading someplace it should be 1 farad for every 600 watts... but they sounds wrong... dont quote me on it. so ask around becuase i am just as clueless as you on that one
