Power Steering Fluid Flush: 4.0 SOHC | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Steering Fluid Flush: 4.0 SOHC

My 35 year old transmission has no leaks whatsoever and I'm not using any power steering fluid in it. What does that mean?

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Hey! How many liters or quarts of fluid should I buy to perform this flush?

Seems like to me that the entire system uses about 2 quarts.

So if i bought 3 quarts of fluid, would I have enough time to turn the wheel back and forth a few times while it is flushing without running out of fluid?


Use two people and it will be no trouble.

Even with two people, will the other person have enough time to turn the wheels back and forth a few times without going through 3 quarts of fluid before they are done?

Oh, I apologize. I read your post too fast.

My error.

Even with two people, will the other person have enough time to turn the wheels back and forth a few times without going through 3 quarts of fluid before they are done?

Well not a few times, that would take a couple of gallons or more. You can run a bunch of fluid through it. I would flush a minor amount out, then stop and restore the lines, run the steering wheel both ways, and then drain it a last time.

My '98 Mountaineer power steering makes growling noises when I am turning tight in parking lots, etc. The system is filled with Mobil 1 Syn Atf (meets Mercon spec), and works ok and does not leak - it just makes more noise and has more vibration in the steering wheel than I am used to.

Should I be using Ford power steeering fluid, or something else?

Thanks much for the help,


I personally prefer full synthetic PS fluid, however, if the Mobil 1 you are using works well for you, stick with it.

I'm using the Valvoline Synpower--it's synthetic and it's clear so you can see how nasty it gets.

which hose

I wanted to flush the fluid out of my 2000 Explorer. There are 2 hoses that go to the reservoir. When looking at it, one goes to the left towards the engine, and the other is to the right and on the bottom. Which one is the return hose? Also, when you pull the hose off, what would you use to cap the reservoir nipple?

The return hose is the smaller hose -- the other hose is (obviously) larger and goes to the pump (dont disconnect this hose).

The return hose is the smaller hose -- the other hose is (obviously) larger and goes to the pump (dont disconnect this hose).

That would be the one on the bottom. Thanks.

Curious, which engine do you have? The 4.0 OHV ?

I switched to Motorcraft Mercon V XT-5-QMC and no more noise. I also replaced the hoses that connect to the reservoir and installed a magnetic filter.


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I think I'm going to have to do a full flush now as well. I'm usually a supporter of using power steering fluid in power steering systems, but 3 days ago I did a 2 quart turkey baster swap while circulating the fluid for 20 lock to lock turns in between swaps.

I used prestone non synthetic power steering fluid....and now 3 days later I hear the whine. I am convinced it must be directly related to the use of the prestone fluid. It would be a hell of a coincidence for the system to choose to start whining right now vs. it being attributable to my choice of fluid. I'll likely replace it with mercon V and bg conditioner.

I'm confident a good quality synthetic ps fluid is perfectly acceptable since I've used it before with good results, but I don't feel like wasting the money to try it on this truck.

The fluid change must have lossened some crud and that may have caused the whine. PS fluid is better than ATF as ATF will have a friction modifier in it that the transmiission needs but the PS system does not. OEM's often use ATF as it's OK, and readliy available

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I have 365,000 miles on my explorer and have used Mobil 1 ATF syn since 20,000 miles when I first changed it. The rack and pinion are like brand new with no leaks. I will continue to use Syn ATF.
