Power Window Brackets | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Power Window Brackets


November 17, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
McClellandtown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
So I go to put my window down and it goes down about an inch and stops, but the motor doesn't. The window is off the track, yay!

My question is what glue or silicone junk will I want to use when I go to put it back on? Should I put the glue on like there is no tomorrow so it won't come off again?(joking, haha) But what stuff should I use so it will hold for the rest of my Navajo's little life?

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I'm guessing no one out there never had their window come off the track?

in my experience with other cars, they come off the track for other reasons....like the regulator being bad... or the window tracks are not adjusted properly..

open it up and see whats going on in there.

I'm guessing folks don't glue their windows, "in the track."

Open her up take it apart.

Sometimes new bolts (fasteners), sometimes grease for the track, sometimes just putting it back into the track............."glue" the glass to the metal mount on the regulator, "is another story,"..........................then again, sometimes the glass is "sandwitched" between the metal brackets of the regulator.

Aloha, Mark

I finally got around to taking a look and it was just as I had expected. The brackest that are attached to either side of the bottom of the window with some sort of glue stuff came off. Everything else is working fine, I even greased up my rails while I was at it.

Now what sort of glue should I use to attach it back together? It looks like some sort of hot glue silicone type stuff...

I'd like to know more about the glass mounting also. I just bought a new 99 LF glass for my 93 door, problems expected.

Please do not ever use silicone, I know that that looks like plain clear silicone. Common automotive RTV is far far superior to silicone. I use only the Permatex Ultra RTV's, the Ultra black is the cheapest. Those RTV's will outlast anything else while exposed to the outside(roofing caulk, fireplace, window sealant, etc.) Good luck,

How about a common plastic epoxy available at all parts stores. They cost over $5 I think, and have two tubes which together dispense equal parts to mix.
