Solved - Premature celebration hits a snag at the fuel filter. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Premature celebration hits a snag at the fuel filter.

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June 29, 2018
Reaction score
ZOO Parkway
City, State
Asheboro, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Howdy folks,
I just finished up replacing the water pump, EGR Valve Throttle Position Sensor, Coil, Spark Plug Wires and Plugs, Air Filter, PCV Valve, Radiator Hoses, Thermostat Housing O-Ring, Bypass Coolant Hose, Heater Valve and Heater Hoses. After all of that, started the 2008 4.0 liter with 194,000 miles, and it was leak-free and purring. Wonderful!
Then I decided to change the Fuel Filter. After removing the two metal shields, I found that the filter had been changed sometime in the past. The "quick-connect" on the inlet side looked like it had been chewed on and the little red tab was open. I can't get close enough to tell for sure, but I suspect the tab is supposed to be opened and the whole tab pushed out the back of the connector? The outlet side had a white plastic tab that pushed through and allowed the filter to release on the outlet end, but when it pushed through the connector, it made a little "ping" sound and launched itself into a black hole. Still can't find it after looking for 2 hours. I think I found a replacement plastic retainer at Autozone, so I'll try it tomorrow. If anyone know where I can locate one of the Red retainers like the one that is on the Inlet side of the Fuel Filter, please let me know. I really don't want to have to replace the whole Fuel line from the gas tank to the Fuel Filter. If I can't find the retainer, I may resort to cutting the line and inserting a barbed connector and use a hose clamp to keep it attached to the Fuel Hose, then connect to the new Filter. Anyone done this?
Thanks for all inspiration and knowledge!

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If you do search here, someone had similar problem few years ago. I don't remember how it ended ....

I ended up getting a tiny screwdriver to push the locking tab out, which allowed the filter to be removed. The tab had had the locking part messed up, so when I snapped the new filter in, I closed the tab and kept it closed by wrapping a zip-tie around it. The filter I removed poured out brown mud, so before I installed the new filter, I reconnected the inertial switch and ran the fuel pump a few times until clean gasoline was blown out. The new filter's downstream connector required two of the white plastic tabs placed back-to-back through the connector, to hold the filter securely. I bought the white tabs in a 4-pak at AutoZone. The sales guy said the filters used to ship with the tabs, but did not any longer. cost about $5, and I have two spares now for the next filter. If I hadn't had any luck, I would have used BrooklynBay's Dorman link, assuming I could get enough of the hose end to work with. There is not much hose available coming from the fuel pump. The line to the injectors is long enough, but the white plastic tabs fixed that one.
Thanks for the help!
