Premium radio button lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Premium radio button lights


Well-Known Member
July 3, 2010
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City, State
Pryor, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ranger Stepside 2.5
I been searching all on this site, a couple ranger sites, and google, for an answer, but haven't found one yet, or possibly accidentally overlooked it. I have an 01 Sport with the Premium dual media radio, and have a problem. Some of the radio button lights will not light up, everything else works perfect, display everything. I did a lot of reading, this is not the Mach model with the RDS button, with the light issues.

It's just the regular Premium dual media unit shown below, but the AM/FM, Seek, Tune, and Rew buttons do not light as the rest of the radio does. I know from searching though the Premium, and Mach unit look similar they are different internally. Has anyone took 1 of these apart is there bulbs behind the faceplate, or leds? I can't afford a new radio right now, so only option is repair it if I can, thanks.


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i came across two front panels like that as well. half the lights are out. Change to CD mode and it changes like a xmas tree. i don't think it was the head unit cause my front panel on my working radio does not have an issue with that head unit. did you figure out how to fix it?

No I never got around to fixing it, but I need to look at it again one day. It's been that way since first got the Explorer though.

Can you repost a pic of your radio?

Yeah it is just like this, I don't have a night pic, I will try and take one soon though.

hmm, weird.
Got a scrap yard near you? Grab some bulbs or swap the radio. :p

I haven't really had it apart to check it, there was one time after got the Explorer all the lights lit up one night, but it went right back to messing up shortly after.

Might be a problem in the wire going to illumination switch. Could be shorted out on something.
Every radio has an illumination wire to tell it the lights are on.

Yea it's just the rest of the radio lights work perfect except those four on the left, AM/FM, Seek, Tune, and Rew button.

Hmm, those are all in the same general area. Has to be 1 bulb behind them then. That's the problem. :D

Yeah that's what I believe is the problem to.

Then fix it! :D

I'll sell my newer one disc AM/FM with satellite radio compatibility stereo from my 08' Ranger. The problem you are experiencing may be poor design and require soldering. Just make me an offer, and the radio is yours.
