premium vs. jbl | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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premium vs. jbl


July 4, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
cary NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 limited
Does anyone know if the amp in my 94 limited with the jbl audio is the same amp as premium? Different wiring or power output? Can't decide whether to bypass amp or not, I put in a Sony cd player, tweets and JL 12 and it actually sounds pretty good as is.

They are not the same amp, but very similar, you have one more amp powering the sub. If you bypass it, the sound quality will be even better. Ford used high harmonic distortion and if you bypass it, I guarantee you will hear the difference. Read the Quick reference audio at the top of the Explorer audio forum for more info on your particular system.

Thanks for the info beavis195.

stock amps suck and if not bypassed can casue distortion. there commonly refered to as POS.
