Preventing Hood Rust/Bubbling Paint ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Preventing Hood Rust/Bubbling Paint ?


Active Member
August 29, 2012
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2020 XLT
So, a common issue with Ford and the aluminum hoods is that the aluminum at the front edge of the hood will start to rust/oxidize. This leads to the paint bubbling and eventually flaking off.

My question is does anyone have any methods to prevent this from happening?

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Although the OP no longer seems to be following this thread, has anyone noticed this issue on the 6th gen? This thread came to light when some 5th gen owners posted here. Those were moved to the 5th gen forum and the appropriate existing thread on the issue.


Yeah I don't think this has been an issue on the 20+ units

My '21 has been through one winter in Western New York and the hood looks great, no rust or bubbling.

My '21 has been through one winter in Western New York and the hood looks great, no rust or bubbling.
It isn't the weather conditions that cause the issue. It is due to the material used to make the hood.


So - from a different perspective I've heard about this issue ever since I bought my 07 Explorer but I've never experienced it and I've never seen an Explorer that had it. Now granted - I may have seen some that had the problem and it had long ago been repainted but I can say that after 15 years the paint on my hood is great - no problems at all. I don't doubt that some years ago some poorly prepared hoods made their way through paint but at this point I've filed it in the greatly exaggerated and repeated internet gossip bucket because an aluminum hood was fairly new at that point and haters are gonna hate.
And when did Ford switch to an aluminum body on the F150? I think it was 2015. If they still can't properly paint aluminum at this point then I'm sure we would have heard more about it by now.

So - from a different perspective I've heard about this issue ever since I bought my 07 Explorer but I've never experienced it and I've never seen an Explorer that had it. .............................................
Here ya go. Hood Paint bubble issue only

