prices for cylinder heads | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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prices for cylinder heads


Explorer Addict
January 4, 2009
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City, State
Las Vegas NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 ×∟┬
right so now that i have the money i can take my cylinder heads to the shop to get looked at. but this is the first time i ever do a fix like this. so i dont know what a good price is. i think they might need to be planed out. but they could be cracked. and should i get a valve job now that they are out? or should i just buy new?? whats ur advice on this?

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'91-92's are notorious for cracked heads.

If you're going to the trouble of removing them, you're better off just buying a brand new set of complete heads. A good set will have a thicker, heavier casting than stock for extra strength.

New heads is also a good time to throw in new rockers and pushrods to lose the valve clatter. add in new manifold gaskets all around and you should get a small performance jump, and not have to worry about the heads or valvetrain for a long time.

'91-92's are notorious for cracked heads.

If you're going to the trouble of removing them, you're better off just buying a brand new set of complete heads. A good set will have a thicker, heavier casting than stock for extra strength.

New heads is also a good time to throw in new rockers and pushrods to lose the valve clatter. add in new manifold gaskets all around and you should get a small performance jump, and not have to worry about the heads or valvetrain for a long time.

k so it will be better to get new ones. is it cheaper? just wondering. i got a gasket set from felpro via oreilys it has all the intake stuff and the head gaskets all bundled just havent opened it up yet i think i paid bout 180 for it

I would say it probably is cheaper, since complete heads are only ~200 ea, so 400 for a set, with new everything (no rockers, pushrods or lifters though). Rebuilding a set of old heads would be worth it if they weren't weak and prone to cracking, but for the price, I doubt you could get them done with all new parts and wind up with a price that makes any sense, given the price of complete new ones. So even if it isn't cheaper, it's certainly a better deal.

Felpros are okay, but Ford's gaskets are better. I'd suggest getting your 180 back and contacting Tousley Ford ( or forum member FORDSVTPARTS) and getting a set of Motorcraft head gaskets and lower intake gaskets from them. You'll want Felpro gaskets for the exhaust manifolds, since Ford doesn't make them, and they are cheap, too.

I would say it probably is cheaper, since complete heads are only ~200 ea, so 400 for a set, with new everything (no rockers, pushrods or lifters though). Rebuilding a set of old heads would be worth it if they weren't weak and prone to cracking, but for the price, I doubt you could get them done with all new parts and wind up with a price that makes any sense, given the price of complete new ones. So even if it isn't cheaper, it's certainly a better deal.

Felpros are okay, but Ford's gaskets are better. I'd suggest getting your 180 back and contacting Tousley Ford ( or forum member FORDSVTPARTS) and getting a set of Motorcraft head gaskets and lower intake gaskets from them. You'll want Felpro gaskets for the exhaust manifolds, since Ford doesn't make them, and they are cheap, too.

i wouldnt know if i can still return it ive had this set for months now. that i got in preperation but i was carefull not to open it. i still have the reciept

BTW just got off the phone with my mechanic he has a friend that can plane out the heads for 30 a piece and do a valve job at about 120 a head so about 150 per head.. my autozone is selling each head at 340 USD roughly. APM is selling heads at 200. but i dont know if they are new and stronger or rebuilt.

so heres what ended up happening. i took my heads to my guy for repair. my engine got about 170K miles on it and at this point it just doesnt seem worth it. im going to save up for a new or newer engine when the time comes. he quoted me 100 total to inspect, clean, resurface and fix any cracks for both. . i also opted out of the valve job since its not really necessary and the engine is gonna fall apart anyways. i am however going to clean out my injectors and change my FPR since im in that part of the engine anyways. thanks for the replys

I would go with aftermarket heads...

I have used heads from J&C Cylinder Heads for their new thicker cores and their warranty...

For your application, they have a set of heads for $335 shipping included...Check this link out...

And since you mentioned wanting to replace the lifters and rockers[which I recommend] I got mine from Specialty Engine Parts...They have low cost replacement parts for the 4 liter Ford and they will combine shipping on multiple items...I am using their pushrods as well as a replacement balancer, timing cover, and water pump...So far I have been very happy with the parts....

They are located here...

ill keep those in mind. but my clunker is ready to go **** up. ima drive this till it dies
