Problems with AC in 2004 Limited | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Problems with AC in 2004 Limited


Well-Known Member
June 11, 2008
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City, State
Kansas City, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Limited

When I run my AC in my 2004 Limited, the vents on the driver's side blow warmer air than the vent on the passenger side of the center console. The air out of the driver's side center console vent and the driver's window vent are barely cool at all. If I close the passenger center console, the air in the driver's vents cools down just a bit. I didn't have this problem last summer.

Also have a very quiet whistling sound coming from under the glovebox that seems to have started at about the same time.


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When my '04 dual climate system runs low on Freon, it will do the same thing. With 100k and 8yrs old or so, i just add a can or two of Freon (i have the rear air, makes it 56oz worth). So far it seems to work for about a year or so.

That whistling sound is most likely a vacuum actuator line with a small leak. I think if you drop the glove box down you can see them.

My first thought was that the AC needed some Freon, but then I thought it weird that the air was somewhat cold on that passenger side. I also have the dual climate control and the rear AC so I guess I should head in that direction. Especially since I'm now at 199K.

Any chance a leaky vacuum line could be causing this problem?

Any chance a leaky vacuum line could be causing this problem?

unlikely, but i'd check that too. . .i thought the dual climate was electronic actuator based. Vacuum for recirculation, vents. . .not 100%.

Some will say you should try and find the leak, that would be the correct way. Add some dye, get a UV light and start looking. Being the age it is and a lot of plumbing to check, easy to over look something. .. . .

I'd add a can or two, almost positive it would fix the weak A/C on one side part.

Added over 40 ounces of freon and things are VERY cold once again all-around. It is alarming to me that the system was that empty and/or accepted that much freon. I'm using a gauge attached to a kit that I bought and even after this the low end pressure is only 35-ish PSI. This seems about 10PSI low, but I've put this much in and am concerned that anything more at this point is a waste.

Anyone know the capacity on this thing? It has the rear A/C as well.

Guess that explains why my pressure isn't quite there yet. Must have been damned near empty, which is not surprising given how lacking it was in the cold department. Thinking of putting in 12 more oz and see how that turns out. I believe I'm right at about 42 oz put back in over the weekend.

Thanks again!
