Programming Keyless Remotes-2000 Limited | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Programming Keyless Remotes-2000 Limited


July 13, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Anaheim, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Limited AWD 5.0 V8
PLEASE HELP-Programming Keyless Remotes-2000 Limited

I recently purchased a 2000 Ford Explorer Limited AWD V8. It came with two keyless entry remotes. Remote #2 works and looks perfect. Remote #1 looks like a dog chewed on it (although it works.)

I purchased a remote off of Ebay. This is what I want to do. Remote #1 (chewed up remote) is linked to Seat Memory #1. I want to delete remote #1 from the system and replace it with the new remote I purchased from Ebay. That way, when I use the new remote, it will activate Seat Memory #1.

I followed the instructions at Dead Link Removed but I could not find the programming the connector that is mentioned in the programming sequence.

Can anyone help me? Thanks!

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I have a 2000 Limited also and cannot find the programing connector that you are supposed to "jump" to clear out all the remotes. Anyone know where we can find it on the 2000 Limited?

I heard the programming connector might be behind the glove box on the 2000. Is this true?

I am still not having any luck at this. Can someone please help me.

This is from my 97 CD..


All keyless entry remote transmitters must be set at the same time.

To program (or reprogram) the keyless entry remote transmitters into the RAP module, perform the following steps:

1. Make sure that the anti-theft system is not armed or triggered.

2. Turn the ignition switch from OFF to RUN five times within ten seconds, ending in RUN. If the RAP module has successfully entered program mode, it will lock and then unlock all doors.

3. Press any button on a keyless entry remote transmitter, and the doors will lock and then unlock to confirm that each keyless entry remote transmitter has been programmed.

4. If the door locks do not respond for any keyless entry remote transmitter, wait several seconds and press the button again. If the door locks still fail to respond, refer to «Diagnosis and Testing» in this section.

5. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position, or wait up to five minutes after step 2, to exit program mode. If a keyless entry remote transmitter has been programmed (or reprogrammed), the RAP module will lock and unlock all doors one last time to confirm.

Originally posted by BeachTech
I am still not having any luck at this. Can someone please help me.
