Proper procedure for adding Pag oil to AC system | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Proper procedure for adding Pag oil to AC system


Well-Known Member
January 5, 2011
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Las Vegas, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 E.Bauer 4.0(RWD)
Ive recently decided to replace the AC compressor, drier and orifice tube. My only concern to this point in the repair, which I havent found any information that makes me comfortable yet is how to properly add oil to the system. It takes 9 oz. Pag 46.

Ive already properly flushed all the lines and components out and now need to install the compressor/add oil.

New compressor shipped with pag oil - not sure how much. I plan to drain that oil and put in motorcraft pag oil. Only question I have is do I have to add oil anywhere else in the system before I button it up and draw vacuum?

Im getting mixed opinions on this. Some say to just add oil to compressor and some say to add oil to the evap, condenser and drier.

So whats the proper way to do this?

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The oil will be circulated throughout the system, so eventually it will get everywhere. Normally, the oil is added through the yellow line on the gauge set after the system is vacuumed down before the rest of the refrigerant is added. Actually, most charging machines will add the oil for you to the refrigerant. Dumping 9 oz of oil directly into the compressor all at once sounds like a good way to damage the compressor the first time it starts.

Compressors should be oiled before installed and it sounds like yours was. In your instructions for the compressor it should say how much was added. The shop that chargers the system should be able to add the appropriate amount of oil when they charge it. Even if they overfill it by an ounce its OK.

I have the same kind of question as started this thread.

I have a 2002 limited with AC Issues. It has front and rear AC. Per the info on the sticker under the hood, It takes 56 oz. of R134a and It takes 13 oz. of oil, I need to know how much oil goes where on refill/recharge. I flushed the system and am ready to install compressor. I have replaced Compressor, drier, front orifice and rear ac expansion valve and condenser with new stuff. I drained the oil out of the compressor that came in it (somewhere between 3 and 5 oz) I need to know how much of the 13 oz of oil goes in the compressor, the drier, etc...

The oil I have is liquid in bottles. I can't put it in with the Freon through the hi/low ports.

Please provide amounts...I can't find that info anywhere...

If the system holds a max capacity of 13oz and you removed roughly 4oz from the old compressor, then you need to add those 4 oz back plus roughly 1oz for the condenser and another 1oz for the drier. So 6oz should be what you add back. You can simply just pour it into the compressor before you install it. After the system is charged and you turn on the AC, the compressor will circulate the oil throughout the system. The high pressure needle on the AC charging machine may flutter erratically after the initial Faron cha but don’t worry. It will do that until the system has been run for a while and the oil has been spread throughout the system. My gauges did this and I I dove mine for a weekend and checked again on Monday and the pressures were perfect and the high side needle was behaving normally again.

If I read this correctly, you flushed every component in the system. So you have zero ounces of oil in the system.

When I did mine, my compressor was prefilled with 3oz PAG. It was damn near full, so I can’t see putting much more than 3ish ounces in a compressor. That left 6oz to add to the rest of the system.

I added 3 to the accumulator/drier, and I think I threw the last 3 in the condenser, via the lines before connecting. I figured this was a fairly equal distribution throughout the system.

Worked fine for me, she blows cold.

Gentlemen, thank you for your responses. Mr. blakshukvw you didn't get the gist of my dilemma. Mr. C420sailor you are on the right track.

My system is totally empty. Per the many you tube videos I watched I was to drain out the oil shipped in the new compressor, not knowing anything about the oil, and refill with whatever is required by my vehicle (To be on the safe side I reckon). My system holds 13 oz. of oil when empty, like mine is.

So I figure to follow C420sailor's advice and fill the compressor with 3 to 4 ounces and spread the remaining 9 to 10 ounces throughout the system in the accumulator/drier, and the condenser, via the lines before connecting those components. Got to have the required 13 oz. in there somewhere.

If there's any body out there that knows better, please let me hear from you soon...gotta get this done and in my rear view mirror.

2002 Ford Explorer limited with rear air.jpeg

Gentlemen, thank you for your responses. Mr. blakshukvw you didn't get the gist of my dilemma. Mr. C420sailor you are on the right track.

My system is totally empty. Per the many you tube videos I watched I was to drain out the oil shipped in the new compressor, not knowing anything about the oil, and refill with whatever is required by my vehicle (To be on the safe side I reckon). My system holds 13 oz. of oil when empty, like mine is.

So I figure to follow C420sailor's advice and fill the compressor with 3 to 4 ounces and spread the remaining 9 to 10 ounces throughout the system in the accumulator/drier, and the condenser, via the lines before connecting those components. Got to have the required 13 oz. in there somewhere.

If there's any body out there that knows better, please let me hear from you soon...gotta get this done and in my rear view mirror.

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I did miss the part where you said you flushed the system. The directions I gave you are per fords own installation instructions on the ford compressor I just installed recently. Exactly what “Donald’s” posted.

If I read this correctly, you flushed every component in the system. So you have zero ounces of oil in the system.

When I did mine, my compressor was prefilled with 3oz PAG. It was damn near full, so I can’t see putting much more than 3ish ounces in a compressor. That left 6oz to add to the rest of the system.

I added 3 to the accumulator/drier, and I think I threw the last 3 in the condenser, via the lines before connecting. I figured this was a fairly equal distribution throughout the system.

Worked fine for me, she blows cold.
Your compressor wasn’t full with 3oz of oil in it. Ford ships them with 7oz. That’s why they tell you to drain your old compressor and measure what was removed, then drain the difference from the new compressor.
Its ok to fill the system by just putting the oil in the compressor. It will be circulated through the system when the Compressor runs.

I didn’t use a Ford compressor. Four Seasons states their compressor ships with 3oz PAG inside.

If it’s more, it’s more. System runs great.

I didn’t use a Ford compressor. Four Seasons states their compressor ships with 3oz PAG inside.

If it’s more, it’s more. System runs great.
Ok. Well my point is, it wasn’t full at 3oz. I’m glad you got it working.

When you get a new compressor it will have the proper amount or should we say a sufficient amount. I have got compressors with PAG-100 when you need PAG-46. That case I drain into a measuring cup and replace the same amount. The rest of the oil I put in the new accumulator. Where. do you fill at? The accumulator. I would check for TSBs. I think Ford said to add 2 extra ounces. Not positive, getting old but the brain is jogging, lol.
They do have a special tool that your blue hose connects to and the low port that allows you to inject oil. That's the pro way.
