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pulls to the left bad!!!


January 7, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
lake city florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 mountaineer
ok need help
2002 Mercury Mountaineer 4.0 AWD
when driving for a little while (i.e. 20 mins) the vehicle wil start to pull very bad to the left. i can hear a grinding noise but cannot tell where it is coming from. after i let the truck sit for a while about an hour it wont do it till it gets driven again for a while. i replaced the front brake pads and it was not fixed. help please!!!

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sound like it might be a front wheel bearing/hub (do you hear a grinding sound when you turn the steering

yes it is very slight you can hardly hear it

could i replace just the bearing or should i go for the hub?

You cannot replace the front bearing alone. You must replace the front hub/bearing assembly. :salute:

thanks for the info what is the rating on the work 1-10. 10 being the hardest. im used to working on imports so this is a whole new world

wheel bearings are easier than it looks

this is actually your vehicle go figure haha

of course make sure you prepare yourself by spraying the bolts down with pb blaster and you must have the right there are three bolts holding on the wheel bearing and the top bolt can be a PITA if you do not have a swivel socket

thanks for the link do you think there could be any other reason why my truck is pulling hard to the left or are you pretty certain? just trying to rule out all options before buying new wheel hub.

ok so i replaced the front left wheel hub and bearing assembly still have a slight rubbing noise but no pulling anymore....BUT now there is a really loud popping noise. it is happening when going slow and fast. still happens when turning left or right. sounds like the cv axle or cv joint. could anyone shed some light on this problem? if i cannot get it fixed i will be selling it soon.

Sounds like a cv joint/axle.

ok one more question can i remove the front cv axles and still drive my truck? will it hurt anything if i drive it without my front two cv axles. truck is AWD. if i can drive it safely without the two front cv axles i am going to take the front driveshaft out as well. i just want to know if i can still drive my truck with out problems with out the two front cv axles.

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