push button shift transfer case in a 2nd Gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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push button shift transfer case in a 2nd Gen


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
I am looking to swap my automatic 4wheel drive transfer case in my 96 Limited for a push button shift transfer case out of a 1 gen. Is it possible??? Can it be integrated into a 2nd gen. I have a full console in my limited so a manual transfer case wouldn't work well. While the A4wd works properly in my 96 I want to be able to put it into 4 hi when I want to.


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Which drivetrain in your '96? Just from the nature of the question, I would guess that you have the V8. As I understand it, the 13-54 used in 1st gens will bolt up just fine to the 4R55E used in the V6 drivetrain, but will not bolt up to the 4R70W used in the V8 drivetrains. I don't know, but you might look and see if someone makes a 4R70W to 13-54 adaptor.

I should have put that I have the 4.0 V6 in my limited.


Yea, that does make a difference.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure a 13-54 will fit just fine behind the 4R55E. From what I understand, Rangers used the 13-54 up until '97.

Another option might be to get the 4405 out of a '97+ 2nd gen, which has 4A, 4H, and 4L options.

How about an '97 BW4405 in a '06 Ranger then?

Hey MrShorty,:D

If your calculations are correct then an AWD can be put into a Ranger? Specifically this '97 BW4405 UMT428 has the 5 bolt face and a small spline pattern like the Ranger has and will bolt behind the 5R55E?

EXPLORER (electric shift) front cup yoke, rear circular flange torque on demand, front and rear speed sensor, speedo hole Borg Warner BW4405 UMT428 UMM4405 1998-96

So this T-case is a disengageable AWD with a clutch between the front and rear and it kicks in when needed by the GEM detecting speed variations between the two output sensors? The best of both worlds with no LO range? What about a GEM module? I suppose there are wiring diagrams out there somewhere?

Do you know if there is a full time viscous coupling system that will bolt to a 3.0L / 5R55E? Something that does not require a switch or elctronics degree?

Are y'all getting where I am headed with this? I am in the begining stage of a AWD Ranger right now and have been frustrated with mixed information on the web. This forum is the only stable source that I have found yet.

I just want to have minimal modifications from the FORD hardware, and traction when I need it while moving along. A viscous system would be perfect and if it disengaged when not needed then even better. Low range would be ok to have, as long as I don't have to stop and shift to neutral to get to 4x4 HI or AWD when I see a slick spot ahead. Like my AUDI Quattro only with ground clearance and load carry abillity.

See Post: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums//showthread.php?t=177244&goto=newpost

Bronco Ranger

What exactly do you want? I haven't paid much attention to '02+. From what I know based on 1st and 2nd gen Explorers ('91-'94,'95-'01).

There are three transfer cases used over those years.
1) BW13-54 was used in '91-'94 Explorers and '91-'97 Rangers. For comparison, the 13-54 is essentially the same as the 13-50 in your BII with a few minor internal modifications and a different front output.
2) BW4405 was used in '95-'01 V6 Explorers, and, I think, '98+ Rangers. BW4405 is a lot like the 13-54, only with a 4Auto setting. '95-'96 have 2H, 4A, 4L settings and are accompanied by a vacuum operated front differential lock. '97+ have 4A, 4H, and 4L settings without the front differential lock.

From what I understand, the 13-54 and 44-05 share the same bolt patterns and such and will mechanically bolt up in place of each other up to '01. If nothing has changed in the 5R55E between '01 and '06, I expect you'll be able to bolt up a 4405 to your Ranger.

Being an engineer, I sometimes get carried away with defining terms exactly, but I don't like to use the term AWD to refer to the 4405. AWD to me refers to a t-case that can vary power from front to rear, but doesn't lock and doesn't have a low range. The 4405 does have a low range, and, depending on year, has a 2H or 4H option. The 4A setting on the 4405 is an AWD setting, but the other settings are also present. I suppose one could install the 4405 and it's electronics with the 4A setting selected and not put a switch on the dash.

the Bw4404 was used in 5.0 V8 applications, and is what I would call an AWD t-case. It can vary power from front to rear as needed, but doesn't allow for any user input, and can't be locked nor does it have a low range. The 4404 fits behind the 4R70W used in the 5.0 V8 applications, and doesn't fit behind the 5R55E.

I've never heard of the BW 4410 mentioned in the other thread, so I don't know what applications used it, nor what it is.

If your 5R55E (in 4WD form) is the same as a late '90's 5R55E, then you should be able to bolt up the 4405 to it. But, the 4405 doesn't sound like it's exactly what you're looking for. Someone who knows 3rd gen Explorers may know if Ford ever designed an AWD t-case (like the 4404) to fit behind the 5R55E. That sounds like what you want.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Getting back on track here....

I am looking to swap my automatic 4wheel drive transfer case in my 96 Limited for a push button shift transfer case out of a 1 gen. Is it possible??? Can it be integrated into a 2nd gen. I have a full console in my limited so a manual transfer case wouldn't work well. While the A4wd works properly in my 96 I want to be able to put it into 4 hi when I want to.


Search for the 'Comprehensive Brown Wire Mod' thread and you will find all the answers you need. three feet of wire, a switch, and a couple of connectors and your wishes will all come true. :)
