Quality Issues with my 2013 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Quality Issues with my 2013 XLT


Active Member
June 12, 2013
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2016 XLT - Magnetic
I have enjoyed my Explorer for a little less than 2 years now but on going issues (that have all been resolved) have left me a bit sour in regards to the overall quality of the Explorer.

A lot of the issues were clear cut build issues that should have never passed any quality check.

Here is what has been replaced:

1. New Throttlebody
2. New Multi Function Switch (as my wipers would stop working sometimes)
3. New Sunroof Motor
4. New Power Window Motors (drivers and passenger side) - the original ones would cause window chatter - dealer replaced with bigger motors -why these smaller ones would continue to be installed at the factory is beyond me. I had to get the dealer to open the panels again to fix as they used the old PINS as the door panels never sat flush against the door like it did when I first got it. Now, the drivers side now has a noise everytime I go over a bump that is a direct result of the door panel having to come off 3 times for them to fix. This reapir was done with less than 2K on the car and this was only the start of 'issues'

5. New Door Sill Trim for drivers side (clear fit and finish issue)
6. New Door Sill Trim for rear passenger side (clear fit and finish issue)
7. New leather seat cover drivers due to loose stiching
8. New Panoramic Roof due to water leak
9. Additional sealant for roof rack area due to water (should have not left the factory like this)
10. Additional sealant for rear cargo area hinge due to water leak (should have not left the factory like this)
11. Drivers door had to be aligned due to rubbing on to the 'rocker area' (should have not left the factory like this)
12. Excessive noise (squeeking) when the sun shade for the Panoramic Roof is opening/closing - dealer has tried to address but the problem still persists...could it be a result of the pano roof fix and the head liner coming off a thousand times - not too sure..outstanding issue that I know they will fix once I take it in again.

NOTE: The Explorer was at the dealer for over 1 month as the Panoramic roof was on backorder.

Not only did I have the water leak issue - I had it coming in from 3 different areas.

I have always oil changed the car every 4500Kms, rust proofed 3 times (including undercoated it) ....its has been babied ...but I lost the new car feel after the first water leak...and it pained me to see it at the dealer all taken apart while the roof was on order...the dealer did a great job fixing it ..but it should have never left the factory to begin with the defect pano roof and the lack of factory sealant.

I have always been a fan of Ford - I even have a Mustang...so I am as loyal as they come..this is my 5th ford...

My issue is that I will loose a lot of money on a trade and its not fair that I have to take a hit on a car that I planned on keeping for 10 years ..

...and due to every interior panel coming off for the water leak issues OR poor fit and finish OR the power window motor change I now have sqeeks and rattles that I should never had to deal with if there was some quality checks were in place to begin with.

I could live with some of the other items but there were too many things that make me question overall commitment to quality. I even looked at the new 2015s and some of them still has the door alignment issue or poor window molding fit issues...these moldings should ALL be a consistent cut NOT differ car from car...

End of Rant...just curious if anyone else has had to change a Throttle body, sunroof motor, and or multi function switch before...the water leaks I know of so its nothing new to me...:)

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Sounds about like my 2013 MKT. Terrible build quality. I hope to get all my issues resolved eventually but getting parts for it is painfully slow. I can't understand why that would be the case for Ford's best selling SUV. They sell more police Explorers than total MKT's!

That's a truck you take out and drive into the nearest lake. They you go home and report it stolen. That should take care of all the issues you have listed!

There have been several members who had the throttle body replaced. As for the moonroof motor, there may have maybe only a couple of instances. There have also been quite a few members who have had the wiper stalk replaced either by the dealer or DIY.

