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Question About 00M12


Active Member
January 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Stone Mountain, GA/ Athens, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
So this is the Owner Notification Program that Ford has to repair the faulty manifold gaskets and o-rings that are causing idle problems in the 98 X. What are the age and mileage requirements for the problem to be fixed? Can I take it to the dealer from whom I purchased my X or do I need to take it to a Ford dealership or somewhere else? How much will it cost?

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do a search on 00M12 and you will find all of your answers!!!!!!!!

72,000 miles. If you're over the miles I think they want something like $450 to do it. But it's suprisingly easy to do it yourself. Just ask my GF... :D

where do you find info on 00M12? Is it thru FORD or on this message board?

If you run a search on the forum you will find a ton of stuff on this topic. If you are over 72,000 miles and you know that this is for sure your problem, your best bet is to purchase a kit from Ford (they run about $60) and change the gaskets yourself. It will save you at least $400 and you can easily do it yourself in one afternoon!

I did that and found a lot of stuff on it, thanks!

Also, if this is the problem would the check engine light come on? Can I just go to AutoZone and hook up a system tester to see if anything is going wrong since the light is no on?

I just hate spending time at the dealer for crap like this even if it is free......mileage is 48800 right now.

Let me know please.;)

If you are talking about the cold idle problem, I don't think the engine light comes on unless the engine just shuts off.

no cold idle problem...had a new IAC installed not long after I got vehicle....vibration only when idling in gear between 700-1000 rpms.

funny thing is its not constant, comes and goes......

If you dont have the cold idle problem, I doubt it is the 00m12 you are dealing with.
With the cold idle problem, my check engine light DID come on, but it wasn't until i had already been having the problem for a few weeks, and it had been gradually worsening. My engine never completely shut off though, it was just extremely rough at cold start.
Also, if you were to go to autozone or some place and have it tested, nothing would show up unless your check engine light is already on.

With the cold idle problem mine idled like crap and sometimes check engine light or codes

Annabanana, how much does it cost to have it tested at Autozone?

They read codes for free

Thorny...I never had mine tested, we just figured it out by the symptoms and reading about similar problems online. I was actually going to have it tested before we replaced the gaskets, but when i called Autozone, they said that they no longer do the tests there because of some lawsuit. I believe this may only be the case in California though, so you can probably still get it done in other states. I believe it was free though. What exactly are your symptoms?

Ok, sorry, that last post by Section525 was actually me. Im using my bf's computer and I didnt realize that it was signed onto his name :D

My symptoms are these: When I go to start my car in the morning after a cold night, the engine immediately shoots up to 1800-2000 RPMs. Right after that, the tachometer drops to read about 400-500 RPMs and the vehicle shakes violently. Then it will surge up to about 2000 RPMs and then it will go back down. It will repeat this cycle until the engine has warmed up and the RPMs level off at a little less than 1000. I have read the other posts where people have had the same problem and have the same model and engine that I have. They said that it was fixed for free under 00M12. Something about the O rings and gaskets. How can I check to make sure this is the problem before I take it to a dealer.

Well Thorny, I can pretty much guarantee that this is your problem. Your symptoms are EXACTLY the same as mine were. Are you under 72,000 miles? If so, I would definitely go into the dealer if I were you and get it taken care of. If you are over the mileage, I would suggest buying the kit and doing it yourself. Good luck!

Yeah, I'm only at 54,000 miles. Thanks.

That's good....saves you some work!
