question for people with clear corners (yellowing?) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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question for people with clear corners (yellowing?)

I tried bleach on my first set of clears and it removed all the reflective material on the inside, ruining them.

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Originally posted by Hartman
I tried bleach on my first set of clears and it removed all the reflective material on the inside, ruining them.

Hmm, well it was a good guess.

As if you havent had enough of billy mays... did anyone try to oxy-clean them... I'm sure its comparitivly gentel next to bleach... and it just might do the trick.

tell you what- you go first, and then tell us how it works.;)

Mine are still white, and i have a -99 "X" but then again mine are stock euro spec..
