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Question on 08 EX


October 27, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
08 XLT
All: Just went for my first oil change. I have an 08 XLT w/4.0 engine. I went to the dealer since the first oil change was on them. On the receipt it says the technician "Reset Oil Maintenance and Tire Pressure Warning Indicators." Does the EX really have an oil maintenance indicator? I know it have pressure monitor sensors but I didnt know it needed reseting. How do I go about reseting the oil maintenance indicator if I change the oil myself? Ditto on the pressure monitor sensor? Thx for your input. >>>>AJ

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Have a look into the manual. Evereything is described there.
And yes, you can reset these messages.

Thx Lukas2009. I did originally look into the owners manual but didn't see the info you mention. Probably bypassed it. At any rate, would you briefly describe whats involved with resetting the monitors? Thx AJ

It starts at page 122.

Driver Controls
System Check: Selecting this function from the SETUPMENU causes the message center to cycle through each of the systems being monitored.
To reset the oil monitoring system to 100% after each oil change [approximately 5,000 miles (8,000km) or 180 days] perform the following:

1. Enter SYSTEMCHECK to display “OIL x..% OIL LIFE OK”.
2. Press RESET control to display “HOLD RESET IF NEW OIL”.
3. Press and hold the RESET control for more than 2 seconds. Oil life is set to 100% and “OIL CHANGE SET TO 100%” is displayed.

... and so on.

In my opinion the tire pressure warning doesn't have to be reset. The right pressure will unlit the warning!


Thx Lucas2009. Only concern I have is I have the 2 line message display on the odo so I'm not sure I have that capability, unless this is the display through the radio?

Maybe your technican is wrong because your Explorer doesn't have a message center.
So you won't get any messages and there is nothing to reset.


Did you notice my "Rust"-thread above?
Could you have a look at your Explorer and tell me if it also shows rust at the metal parts of your seats?

Ive got rust covering my underside of seats and the steering column...

Lukas2009. I have no rust showing on the metal rails or parts of the seats. But I've only had the truck for 5 months now. Hopefully I dont see any in the future.
