question on backup light wiring | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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question on backup light wiring

i want to install extra backup light. wondering if the different wattage can burn out the little stock back up light? my wiring diagram is
battery pos------fuse-----55w light-------backup light-----switch-------ground. if i turn on the 55w, will it turn on the back up light? will the 55w burn out the little bakc up light?

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i just installed 50W backup bulbs in the taillights of my '96

had similar 50w lights in the Toy i had for years, but it took me a while to hunt them down for the Ranger.

if you want external lights, i'd add direct, fused wiring and a relay to the factory tail lights, posibly a switch if you want to use them for loading, or tailgater lights.

with your wiring, the switch will turn on the orig backup, but you could wirre it so the manual switch OR shifting into reverse will make them light.

it's almost 1:30 am, so i'm not about to try and describe the circut... but its not dificult.

i still dont get it. anyone help please?

I got a seperate back-up light. It's hooked up to both. I spliced into the stock reverse light wire and hooked it up to that so it comes on when I put it into reverse. I also ran a line from the light to a switch so I can turn it seperatly with the switch. I can use it when setting up camp, working on the truck, or when you tailgate me. :)

take a look at this schematic-

for backup lights, you could use a 3 position on/off/on switch, with one side going to the reverse switch/lights and the other going to a circut that is either always live, or only live when the ignition is switched to on or aux, like the radio or wipers.

AutoZone or Pep Boys should also have the 50w bulbs that will plug right in, replacing the factory bulb.... no extra wiring needed. you may have to try more than one store to find the brighter bulbs.

still, will the 55w light burn out the baack up light when i turn on the 55w light via a switch?

the bulbs need to be wired in paralel instead of in series.

series would look like-


and the bulbs won't get the proper voltage.

series would look like-

/ \
bulb bulb
\ /

hope those ASCII schematics make sense... i'd still use a relay to do the actual switching.

come to Vegas and i could set it up for ya'... you buy pizza and beer and pay for the parts.

its not THAT far from Texas.

or you might see if the local high school, junior college, or vo-tech school has an electronics course, and a student willing to work cheap.

this stuff is easy to SHOW, harder to explain verbaly, unless i can show you while i'm talking about it... and unfortunately, i don't have a digital camera, yet

the second bulb, wired in paralel won't affect the original bulb, unless it is wired so that it comes on when you switch the auxilarry light on manually,

if the switch is wired to control both bulbs, it won't make much diference in the service life of the bulb, just the time that you have it on... and leaving it on for an extended period is easier on the bulb than turning it on and off.

bulbs in paralel, use a relay. all the bulbs will be happy.
