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Questions on brake rotors, bearings, and matched bearing races

Yea! matched set.

I have had no more problems with the front bearings since installing the Timken set.

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I got this fix for keeping wheel bearing nuts from loosening from Winter a while back. After installing the inner nut and washer, clean all the grease off of the spindle threads. I use a little brake parts cleaner on a rag. Apply a small amount of blue thread locker to the exposed threads visible in front of the washer, where the outer locking nut will rest. Torque outer locking nut to spec (150 Ft pounds). After doing this many years ago, I have never had a wheel bearing nut come loose. Its also working the same for my D44 axle, although much harder to clean up the spindle threads.

My story ends on a happy note. ;) I took the new rotors along with the four boxed Timken bearings to a local old school machine shop and asked him to press out the existing races and press in the Timken races. When I went to pick them up, he pointed out how he labeled each race 1-4, and then labeled the corresponding matching bearing on the outside of each bearing box! I did not ask for that, or mention it in any way. I laughed out loud and told him how nobody seems to think that matters anymore, and that I appreciate the attention to detail.
So whether it really does matter or not, I will install them to be matched sets all the way around. :D
Thanks to all for chiming in.

Brian, I'm gonna try that tip, Winter is the man.

Why take it to a machine shop? Did the paint make them hard to remove?

Why take it to a machine shop? Did the paint make them hard to remove?

Probably to press them in & out, not wanting to use a hammer and blunt instrument.

I have had to do that (take it to a machine shop) with really stubborn races.

BKennedy: That's a good tip on the locktite for the big nut. I suppose there won't be enough heat there to break down the blue loctite? I haven't had my manuals loosen yet, but when I had autos it happened a lot.

Maybe you guys need a bigger hammer, it always works for me.:D As for the loctite, I've never had the outer nut come loose. I don't torque it to spec, I just really give it with a 2' breaker bar.

Maybe you guys need a bigger hammer, it always works for me.:D As for the loctite, I've never had the outer nut come loose. I don't torque it to spec, I just really give it with a 2' breaker bar.

I haven't had the pleasure of replacing bearings or rotors but I'd still probably take them to someone with a press. I'm more of a bull in a china shop type and that personality doesn't go well with the cheap ass that I am.

Anywho, I've not had the nuts back off either and never really wiped the grease off. Last time I had the rotors off and repacked the bearings, I've just cranked on it with a breaker bar until the hub nut wrench thing feels like it's going to slip off.

The bearing nuts getting loose is an issue when running larger tires and heavy off road use.

Glad to hear you got it worked out Bill. Take care

I had the machine shop do it because I'm older and lazier than I used to be! Also, I've only ever done it on old stock rotors that didn't matter so much, these are so new and perfect, I did not want to damage them with a slipped tool or anything.

Maybe you guys need a bigger hammer, it always works for me.:D

I have weak girly-man hands. What can I say. I'd need a monster hammer.

I do need to invest in a good set of punches though. I'm embarassed to say, I use an old junk socket extension to drive out caliper slide pins.

Yeah, I don't have punches either. Last time I banged out a race, I used a screwdriver.
Probably the same one I use to tap out my caliper slide pins. :D

I pick up punches as the local swappers meet. It's a great place to get files and other hand tools as well. I wouldn't want to use a screwdriver on a race either, although there is nothing you can ruin. Nothing wrong with a machine shop either.
