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Questions on injector replacement


July 24, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Boyers, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Ford Explorer
I am going to replace my cylinder #5 injector in my 03 Ex 4.0L V6/K-Flex engine. Does anyone know if it's possible to remove the fuel rail on the driver's side of the engine without removing the large black intake that sits above it. I'm going to try my luck on YouTube but any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.

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If it is like my 02, I wouldn't try it. As you can see, there are two bolts holding the rail down on each side. I doubt you could get to the bolts and then I doubt you could successfully lift the rail up high enough, change out an injector, and get the rail back on with O-rings intact. Note that there is also a hose across the back that connects the rails on each side.

[(dead link)
The manifold isn't really as difficult as you may think to take off. You can pull it off as a big assembly with the throttle body and EGR valve still attached.You don't even have to drain the water.
A couple of challenging areas can be breaking the EGR tube loose and getting to the back two drivers side bolts on the manifold.
I took lots of pictures the first time for vacuum and wiring connections.


The most difficult part of removing/installing the intake manifold is the farthest back fastening bolt. The protruding "lip" of the firewall's upper and lower parts sticks out in the way of getting down to it with a long extension. I solved the problem by using a combination of several short extensions which totaled, bring the stack up just below that interfering lip. 1/4-inch extensions mandatory.

Did this twice, to get at the Fuel Pressure and Temperature Sensor. New one went bad in < 1 year. Code immediately identified the trouble. imp

I changed that #5 injector today and was surprised that it wasn't that bad of a job at all. The furthest rear plenum screw was pretty easy with a 6" extension on my 1/4" ratchet. The hardest part for my 44 year old body was continually climbing up and down from the engine compartment. I'm only 5'4", so I had to climb under the hood to get to most of those screws. My 4.0L is running much better than it was or has been in recent times, but I still have a Service Engine Soon light on. I'll take it to Napa on Monday and let them plug it in again. Thanks for the help, guys!

I changed that #5 injector today and was surprised that it wasn't that bad of a job at all. The furthest rear plenum screw was pretty easy with a 6" extension on my 1/4" ratchet. The hardest part for my 44 year old body was continually climbing up and down from the engine compartment. I'm only 5'4", so I had to climb under the hood to get to most of those screws. My 4.0L is running much better than it was or has been in recent times, but I still have a Service Engine Soon light on. I'll take it to Napa on Monday and let them plug it in again. Thanks for the help, guys!

I'm glad it worked out for you. I don't know if you have Amazon Prime, but for $16, one of these will save you multiple trips to the parts store for scanning.
