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Quick Air Intake Question


Rah no Hans Bwix
November 21, 2002
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1994 XLT 4x4
Hey, I made a custom-type Cold Air Intake for my X. It's a K&N filter .. and I was wondering where the best location to get the air would be.. I took out the factory airbox and that's where the filter is sitting right now. I'm thinking a good spot would be where the battery tray is, just right behind that spot, since the filter is where the wheel well is right now. Can I shorten the factory intake tube? Thanks!

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Do a search on that, its all here.

You can get an intake tube from a 95+ explorer or 93+ ranger with the 4.0 engine, and that tube will be routed to where the battery is. You would, of course, have to relocate your battery then.

you could possibly mount it on the other wheelwell where the new ones have thiers as well.....

Rhett , would those be the right length also? Could the battery be rerouted to the wheel well where the factory airbox used to be? There's plenty of space over there. I've got a '94 in case you didn't know. Also, is the hose connected to the tube that runs to where the oil is put, used to cool the oil? Thanks!

Changing to the new style air intake hose would work perfectly in terms of the filter. However, I don't think the battery can be placed where the filter was, not enough support. You'll need to transfer the battery into the truck or to the stock location of 95+'s. Then you have to figure out what to do with the fluid bottles.

some one did this with the fluid bottles and battery on teh same side. It looked real nice!

There are (or used to be) pics of that setup here in one of the old threads. It was some time ago though. Yeah, I can't remember who that was, but what they did was cut the tank in half, leaving the overflow reservoir in place, but removing the windshield washer fluid tank. then they bought a battery mount tray, and put it there. Then they went to a junkyard and got the smallest plastic tank they could find, and used that as the windshield washer fluid tank. It was mounted somewhere back by the brake booster.

Someone else DID put their battery where the stock intake is on a 91-94. Evidently it worked too. They had some small battery like an optima red top or something though. If you have a big-a** battery like mine, it definitely won't fit there, I've tried it.

As far as the tube leading from your oil filler neck to the air intake tube, that is called the 'breather' tube and it's function has more to do with equalizing pressure than it does cooling. If your 91-94 breather tube won't reach, get one out of a 95+ explorer.
