Quick Alignment Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Quick Alignment Help


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2005
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I have the 4" superlift w/ extended arms done on my 1993 Explorer. The front end is way off. The bottom of the tires are pointing way in, and the top are pointing way out. I just need to know how to adjust it good enough to get it to the shop to be aligned. It is about 5 miles downm the highway (55mph). It seems that i could loosen the tie rod ends on both sides and slide the tie rod till it evens out the tires. I just wanted to check before I did that. I loosened the 2 bolts on the tie rod on the passanger side to see if they would even budge. Then I saw that the tie rod is threaded under that. Would I use a pipe wrench to move the threaded part to adjust the tie rod. any info would be appreciated. I thought I saw a thread here earlier covering it, but I cant find it now.
Nick Good

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get a measuring tape and measure front to center to center tire and backside. Then adjust to get the front within 1/8 of an inch. Sounds like you need to also turn the upper bushing. You do not need to take of the tierod just loosen bolts on sleeve and turn sleeve with an pipe wrench.

I understand what you mean about the tie rod. But what do you mean about turning the upper bushing.
nick Good

The upper ball joint goes in to a adjustable camber bushing. Go look at your upper ball joint and youll see it. It has a off center hole so when you loosin the pinch bolt and rotate it. It will push the top of the tire out or pull it in.

For your toe setting, use 2 pieces of string. Wrap around the back tire and run them forwad and wrap them around the front tires. Center your steering wheel and adjust the barrels until the string touches the front and back of the front tire. Wiggle your steering wheel back and forth a couple times, repeat. This will keep you driving straight but won't help your camber.


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Thanks for all the help. Hopefully I will get a chance to work on it today after work.
Nick Good
