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Quick question and favor.


Well-Known Member
July 20, 1999
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At the moment I'm living in Marlboro,NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
I'm putting the sony xe-744 full din eq in the ashtray old location, and I want to use the wire harness for the power and ground. Only problem is I can't remember if the lighter is always powered or is on the ACC switch.Can someone check for me I have a 91?Thanx in advance.

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its on all the time. post some pics man! i wanna see how it looks, i might have to do the same thing

Thanx!I guess i'll find a different way.I'll put pics up,it's in there already took about 15 min.Easy, you can fit full din just so yall know.

Just use a relay so you can tap power off the lighter. On a basic relay, there are five main pins.

2 are for sending the signal to tell the relay to switch from one position to another, much like an on off switch via the remote signal, probably from your radio's antennae or remote line lead.

The other three are four running the power. One end is for putting the powered source, the other two are for the one of two positions that the relay will be in. In this case, you'd just connect the accessory to the pin that gets power when the relay gets power from the remote signal.

Go to http://go.to/bcae for the directions


Thanx I might try that!!

jason ... not sure about the sony's, but my pioneer has 3 power wires. one ground, one 12v + (always on), and a ACC wire. you want a source with continuous power or you will lose all presets/clock when you shut the car off.

rear wiper switch

i removed the rear wiper so it wouldnt rattle. i used the wiper switch to send power to my EQ. it worked fine like that.

oh ... equilzer .. nevermind, i was thinkin radio
