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Quick question on radiator


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February 10, 2017
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2002 Explorer Eddie Bauer
2002 Eddie Bauer 4.6 v8 with tow package AWD. My radiator cracked and I cannot find a radiator that has the two outlets on it for transmission cooling. Ford says that part is discontinued, and I've returned three aftermarkets so far that said they had it but didn't. SO my question is, can I bypass the radiator and just use the little oem transmission radiator located underneath? I'm out of options and need this fixed so I can head out on a trip. Any help would be good thanks.
Please remove post I feel that I'm wrong that they are transmission lines and that they go to radiator.

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If you search radiator on here, you'll find recent discussions on just what you are talking about. I'm not sure about the 2002, but on your EB, you should have a A/C condenser, Transmission cooler and Radiator in that order, looking from front to back. The little small condenser looking device under the radiator is for the power steering I believe. someone on here has a nice pic of a cutout exactly what you are looking for. Good luck.

I just did a radiator transmission cooler bypass on my 98 lincoln continental since I don't want to replace the OEM with an aftermarket radiator. I think the leak is somewhere near the joint of the fitting and is not causing the radiator to leak coolant. I just bought a larger transmission cooler and put that in series with the existing transmission cooler.


Update: I found out I was very lucky, the transmission cooler lines were not going into the radiator, I must have a very early model because I have a separate external transmission cooler sandwiched between condenser radiator and water radiator. Yes, there is a weak little power steering cooler just below.
Was able to loosen and move the tranny radiator enough to get to the inside screw at the lower left side pulled the radiator and replaced it. A person cannot tell this unless you remove a lot of the plastic and the rubber that ducts the air through the radiators. Like I said I was lucky, pity the guys who have to evacuate the a/c and pull lines from the radiator. BTW, none of my various parts guys knew this setup all assumed it was an internal cooler.

Glad it was fairly easy for you. Most of the 3rd gens have the triple stack setup with a couple of nearly impossible screws that make the job a hell of a lot more difficult than it should be.

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