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RA strength with heims

i have the stock bronco coils... they are pretty stiff, thats why i dont have much body roll, but the still seem to flex pretty good

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SVO said:
That looks great Josh, and I also think 1/4 will be fine, but I'm actually going to weld mine to the frame.

So one thing I was going to do different per your drawing was to make triangulated gussets to accomodate the forward and rearward movement, for extra strength.

And box in the rear of the bracket to keep it from splitting out and more ridgitity

I will draw a pic later, I have to go run out of town with Johnstone and help him pick up his new car.

Horrible drawing but you get the point:

I just realized the gussets you drew in my pic are where the frame is. The bottom of the frame starts where the top corner of the angle is. That piece is 7 inches wide and quarter inch thick. There does not appear to be heim joints that have the same thread pitch as the RA's do. The closest thing is 3/4-16, the RA's are 3/4-10. I wonder if I got a 3/4-16 die and try it on a junk RA just to see if it would work or a 3/4-10 tap and try that on a female heim. I'll try anything once. :confused:

BMX would you shoot some pic of those parts you have??

If you look in my Axle Swap thread that is about 7 pages long now and still no conversion :( I have a pic or two of the arms, mounts, etc. I think it's on page 6, towards the bottom, but not positive. Let me know if you need any more pics. Also, I think I posted the link for the thread that I bought them from, so there are pics and info in there too.

Does anybody know what a good static load rate is for the heims on the RA's. The people at a local rod shop say more than 14K and chromolly.
