ranger edge front end conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ranger edge front end conversion

ok well this evening i went off the road, and right into a small tree and bushes. my explorer drove home, and is in good running order, but i bent my bumper, broke the grille, dented the hood, dented both fenders, as well as some nice scratches, and breaking 1 headlight, anyways since my explorer is my 2nd truck, i was thinking about rippin it apart and doing a complete face lift, well the guy down the block has a 03 edge and i notice that the wiper cowls are very similar, soo i was wondering if a 03's edge ranger fenders will line up with my door and wiper cowl, and if id get all factory 03 edge parts and wouldnt it just be like swappin in a fiberglass perry conversion kit, but with using steel factory parts, or am i total missiing something

I do not believe so the ranger is a bit different then the Explorer these days, but the people to ask would be Perry's Fab N Fiber, Mcneil, Glasswerx

They offer a Ranger Edge 3 or 1 piece fiberglass conversion for your Exploder I am pretty sure...
