Ranger Owners: Show Off Your Truck | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger Owners: Show Off Your Truck


I think I'm on the registry.... I think... ok I found it. I'm under "Hella Ranger" Glad to be part of the group!!! Keep up the good work guys!

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Here are a couple pictures of my truck. Nothing fancy done to it, but I like it anyway.
Its a 2003 V6 3.0Liter, 'Tremor' sound system, nerf bars...



Not all that familiar with what options are available with what from the dealer so if you guys see anything I'm missing let me know.

edit - just noticed that if you look at the 2nd picture you can just see the back of my explorer. poor thing hasn't moved in a few months. might be scrapping it soon.

...Nice color...:biggthump

...Don't forget to add a link in your post or signature so people can go there and discuss your truck...;)

some nice looking trucks ... Mazdas allowed in here too?

Thanks..All stock but with 256K shes been a good one.


....That is a nice truck and with 256k on it, it's really nice...:D

nice truck tripy. cant go wrong with a 4x4.

...You all own a Ranger today...:p:

heres mine. 1986 ford ranger 4x4. lifted roughly 5-6 inches 31x 11.50 tires. chopped exhauste right after first cat, pretty fun little truck. this will eventually have a waggy 44 front axle and have 36 inch tires......some day

...pictures wont resize.......

...You need to resize your pictures to 640x480 or they will be deleted...Thanks

...Bumpin' for the new guys...:biggthump

Added a few new things.


...That would be nice to have in your own thread....;)

...Please take a minute and read the first post rules, and how it relates to having a link for your truck, how many pics in this thread...

...You need to also be an "Elite" member before you can sell anything on this Forum...Please edit your pictures and your post, Thanks...

...I just noticed this made it to "Sticky" status...:biggthump

...Thank you to the powers that be...:salute:

I'm not able to post my pictures. Anyone have any instructions for doing this? At the bottom of this page, I noticed it says "you may not post attachments" but I don't know why. There is no where on my message box that says to 'add attachments' or 'manage attachments'.

Meanwhile, if you want to see pictures of my turbo diesel Ford Ranger you can go to: http://picasaweb.google.com/msjunglelady/FordRangerTurboDiesel2008#

uncle sam

opps, the pictures of the dirty Isuzu D-Max (turbo diesel they don't have in the US either) belongs to my wife - forgot they were on there with my Ranger.

No under the hood pics?!?!?

bought another one 94 2wd 4cyl 5sp color john deer green

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...Nice find...I like it...:biggthump
