Rattling noise, 2002 XLT V8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rattling noise, 2002 XLT V8


New Member
October 12, 2011
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Kansas city mo
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4X4
just purchased a 1 owner 2002 XLT V8 4dr 4x4. i hear a rattling noise coming from front end, sounds likethe muffler is loose but its not. had a friend look at it, said maybe its a pulley bearing?? i don't know which pulley or if it is a timing chain issue. any way to save $100 diag fee here? oh, it only rattles when idling or when i first let off the gas while driving. if i accelerate it goes away?? any help much appreciated!!

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probably not timing chain unless theres a ton of mileage. I've had to replaced the serpentine belt pulleys (grooved and smooth idlers) due to noise, but it was more of a squeak than a rattle. Check your heatshields on the catalytic converters.

Sounds like heat shield on the cat to me.

140k miles, ill check the heat and cat conv tomorrow. thx!

It might be a noisy torque converter. This is common for the 2002 Explorers/Mountaineers. My 2002 Ex with 50k miles does it. While annoying, it doesn't need addressed and won't hurt reliability or transmission function. I have decided to live with the noise rather than pay $1,200 to replace the torque converter.

i checked all of the exhaust starting from the engine all the way back. no rattling from there. torque converter is next i guess. any handy problem solving tips?

I second the torque converter.
