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Rausch Creek: July 19-20

So sorry for jackin the thread!!!!!

Jay, my airbox was tight goin back in also, the hose is angled up slightly then slants downward to the TB. I may get my snorkle in before the run also. I am in the process of re-engineering my front skidplate to fit, and strengthning it up a little. I was also hoping to get my steel bumper done for the rear and take off my low hanging hitch, i don't think its gonna happen though:(

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Damn, you got a laundry list of stuff. Good luck, haha. So what you're telling me is the box WILL re-connect to the intake? Do you have the square or the round one?

I'd like to tag along Sat. I'm up for anything and even will play while people watch.:D :confused:

My local club run is Sunday. :exp:

I have the square one.

throw them out and make your own I did and it works great



yeah I'm not making it to this one i'm headed north towards massachusetts for the Florida Vacation Run.
I'll catch the next one. any one up for some Rausche first weekend in august??
sorry have fun

also where is your air filter??

I'm gonna guess in the fat round part flanked by black.

I'm gonna guess in the fat round part flanked by black.

Unless he gutted it, that's the bilge blower I was referring to. If the part is stock, there is a 12vdc fan inside.


Anyway, let's try to keep this on topic. My fault for bringing up the snorkel issue, haha.

Unless he gutted it, that's the bilge blower I was referring to. If the part is stock, there is a 12vdc fan inside.

not a bilge blower nascar brake blower 300 cfm more air more power and yes it does make a diference as far as filters there are three one before the blower one after the blower and one before the maf :D

Sorry again for jackin it!

So Aaron, any updates? Do we have reservations?

I'm tryin to get all of the mods done i've been putting off for the last 6 months! I got my skid plate modified, beefed up, and reinstalled today. Snorkle? mabye tom.

Damn you Josh. I wish my day job involved being in a garage. :(

Btw, what time are we meeting Saturday morning? I've got about a 2 hour drive, so maybe we should shoot for 10-10:30 am or so?

I'm fine with a bit earlier, but anything earlier than 9-9:30 and you guys can hit the trails before I get there and meet me at the staging area a bit later. I'd like to try to get at least a respectable amount of sleep the night before. :D

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