Rausch Creek, PA Run, December 6th. | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rausch Creek, PA Run, December 6th.

uh ok I'll look through the stuff then

just say the word and I'll box em up and ship em out to ya... Brian?


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Originally posted by Blee1099
Did you have a blowout or did it actually shear the lugs right off the axle?

Nope, my brother didn't tighten the lug nuts enough even though he thought he had and the lug nuts were loosening more all the time I was driving, up until I hit a pothole on I-84 outside Sturbridge Massachussetts going 65 MPH. The whole wheel came off and it took a good portion of the plastic molding surrounding the wheelwell off. I lost the brake drum, shoes, and completely destroyed the backing plate. The mechanic had to send away to Ford for the backing plate because none of the junkyards had one and parts stores don't carry them. The mechanic asked if I wanted the messed up backing plate and I said I did because I wanted to take a pic of it and post it. The pic below was taken with my crappy little digital camera but gives you an idea what I did to the backing plate by driving my Explorer across two lanes and 30 feet before I could stop. The only thing that was on my mind when it happened was "I have to get this truck off the road." I was lucky there was only one car around thirty feet behind me because there could have been some real problems if there was too much traffic,... the wheel that came off could have caused someone to lose control of their car, a tractor trailer rig could have hit me....things like that. I also had my 10 year old daughter with me and my mind was also on protecting her. I was so shaken up that day I could not get warm, no matter how many blankets I had over me.


  • backplate.jpg
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Damn I missed this... would this have been a place for a AWD Eddie Bauer, or would it have been best if I would have stayed home?


Don't worry, she doesn't look that pretty anymore :(

EDIT: Holy crap, I cannot believe I revived a six-year-old thread. Well, maybe we can get another meet going, that is, if my truck is worthy of this place.
If there are certain trails that my truck simply cannot do simply because it's not lifted enough or doesn't have lockers / 4-lo are there "bypass trails"?

That is, assuming this place still exists... lol.

Damn I missed this... would this have been a place for a AWD Eddie Bauer, or would it have been best if I would have stayed home?


Don't worry, she doesn't look that pretty anymore :(

EDIT: Holy crap, I cannot believe I revived a six-year-old thread. Well, maybe we can get another meet going, that is, if my truck is worthy of this place.
If there are certain trails that my truck simply cannot do simply because it's not lifted enough or doesn't have lockers / 4-lo are there "bypass trails"?

That is, assuming this place still exists... lol.

Wow, talk about back from the dead.. this is from when Draper still wheeled :D

Rausch is still open, we just went a few weeks ago for New Year's. Most of our run threads are on Get-BentOffroad.com though, since everyone here are web wheelers :p: Your truck would do fine, we've taken bone stock Explorers and Jeeps through some difficult trails and rarely ever had an issue. Matter of fact, a friend's ancient CJ5 with a 302 kept up just fine with my locked, lifted, sas'd Explorer all day. Until we got to the really hard stuff, but then you're welcome to go around or ride along :)

Wow, talk about back from the dead.. this is from when Draper still wheeled :D

Rausch is still open, we just went a few weeks ago for New Year's. Most of our run threads are on Get-BentOffroad.com though, since everyone here are web wheelers :p: Your truck would do fine, we've taken bone stock Explorers and Jeeps through some difficult trails and rarely ever had an issue. Matter of fact, a friend's ancient CJ5 with a 302 kept up just fine with my locked, lifted, sas'd Explorer all day. Until we got to the really hard stuff, but then you're welcome to go around or ride along :)

Well I'll definitely tag along next time some Explorer owners go then!

How the hell did i miss this one can we re do it agian LOL

Let me know next time Guys


How the hell did i miss this one can we re do it agian LOL

Let me know next time Guys


I'm down, I need at least one other SUV to go because their group minimum is two. I'd rather go during the winter time when there's a lot of snow on the ground.
