re gearing 9inch and dana44 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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re gearing 9inch and dana44


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2005
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94 sport
hey whats up with this. ive been looking for gears for a ford 9inch and dana 44. i found the gears i want to run 4.30s. but appearently they dont come in 4.30s for a dana44 only 4.27s. also i checked out 4.10s for both and appearantly the dana44 only has 4.09s

will someone please enlightin me on this situation

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They don't have to match exactly, but I couldn't tell you how far is too far.
I've heard of people running 4.10/4.11, so your 4.09/4.10 should be okay. I'd call a couple gear vendors and get their expert opinion.

From what I have read the gear sets need to be within 1%

I've heard that a difference of .04 is ok. Like RangerX said, check with a gear vendor to get an expert opinion. We don't want to be the cause of your gears messing up :D
