Really bad vibration when accelerating | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Really bad vibration when accelerating


New Member
January 31, 2022
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City, State
Laguna Hills
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer

Basically I’m super broke and idk what to do, I was heading home for lunch today and quarter mid drive the car just started vibrating super super bad. I pulled off to the side of the road and tried to quickly look atleast at my wheels and tires. Didn’t see anything wrong with them havent further inspected anything and will do later when I get off of work. But when I cantinued to atleast drive it back to my house the vibration would start getting REALLY bad around 15-25 mph. Any ideas would be super helpful thank you.

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I’d start with basics. Check all your lug nuts. I’ve had them loosen and cause that. Check your driveshaft, get under there and pull on it, vertically and then horizontally. I’ve had those nuts loosen too, after I did some work on it!
If those are okay, jack up each front tire and try to wobble it with hands on either side, then from top and bottom, to see if there is any play.
That’s a good start. Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear of the problem!! I've had one tire "break" internally, yet it stayed inflated and looked mostly normal. Other than serious shaking, I noticed increased space between tire treads in one area of the tire.

While you have it jacked up, rotate each tire and watch for bumps. bubbles or waviness in the tires.

I’d start with basics. Check all your lug nuts. I’ve had them loosen and cause that. Check your driveshaft, get under there and pull on it, vertically and then horizontally. I’ve had those nuts loosen too, after I did some work on it!
If those are okay, jack up each front tire and try to wobble it with hands on either side, then from top and bottom, to see if there is any play.
That’s a good start. Welcome to the forum!
Thanks so much! Here’s a quick update. Got busy for most of this weekend. Finally did some inspections. Rotated each wheel and they are perfectly fine. Car starts right up with no issue. Driveshaft didn’t wiggle really but there was some clunking noise every time I would twist it. Gonna change the u joints out now.

manual or automatic?

any sounds associated?
Driveshaft didn’t wiggle really but there was some clunking noise every time I would twist it. Gonna change the u joints out now.

Info in this thread doesn't clearly point to u-joints. With no disposable money, do consider a more thorough troubleshoot before part-shotgun.

Rotated each wheel and they are perfectly fine.
Did you push and pull the wheels from outside edge of tire, trying to see any rock?

Had you tried driving in reverse at all?

Does the vibration sensation increase with speed, or just suddenly appear starting at about 15mph? Does it dissappear/lessen over a certain speed?

Did you check to see if any wheel was markedly hotter than the others?

varrying sensations can appear if parts in the rear drums break.

manual or automatic?

any sounds associated?

Info in this thread doesn't clearly point to u-joints. With no disposable money, do consider a more thorough troubleshoot before part-shotgun.

Did you push and pull the wheels from outside edge of tire, trying to see any rock?

Had you tried driving in reverse at all?

Does the vibration sensation increase with speed, or just suddenly appear starting at about 15mph? Does it dissappear/lessen over a certain speed?

Did you check to see if any wheel was markedly hotter than the others?

varrying sensations can appear if parts in the rear drums break.
Basically it starts vibrating gradually (starting around 15mph) and the faster I attempt to go the harder/stronger the vibration and it’s REALLY strong kinda crazy and then opposite as I slow down it goes away. The same happens with reverse but not as serious. Clunking sounds when I first start driving it
and it doesn’t sound like the transmission kinda of clunk. I switched out the the u joints today and it turns out the that rear one was completely busted lol. One of the caps busted open. But sadly it is still doing it and I am just stuck not knowing what it is. Also it is an automatic and honestly I can’t really drive it much enough right now to even see if the wheels get hot either :/

it is an automatic and honestly I can’t really drive it much enough right now to even see if the wheels get hot either :/

When replacing the U-joints, was drive shaft verified to still be straight?

Is it a 4wd or 2wd?

When replacing the U-joints, was drive shaft verified to still be straight?

Is it a 4wd or 2wd?
4wd and yes the drive shaft was still straight, I made sure to put it back the correct way as well so it wouldn’t be out of balanced either

Any updates? Others here are on the right track, I think. A bad tire alone can provide the reported symptoms while remaining awfully hard to spot.

So bad tire, then lost wheel weight (driveshaft counterweight wouldn't likely be enough to cause "severe" vibration), then on to broken bearings and such.

The eccentric load has to be substantial; its sudden appearance is a clue.

Any updates? Others here are on the right track, I think. A bad tire alone can provide the reported symptoms while remaining awfully hard to spot.

So bad tire, then lost wheel weight (driveshaft counterweight wouldn't likely be enough to cause "severe" vibration), then on to broken bearings and such.

The eccentric load has to be substantial; its sudden appearance is a clue.
Does the steering wheel try to jerk out of your hands when it's vibrating? Or let it go while it's vibrating does it move side to side?

Does the steering wheel try to jerk out of your hands when it's vibrating? Or let it go while it's vibrating does it move side to side?
Sorry for late update everyone. I replaced the fuel pump and fuel filter and added some Lucas fuel injector cleaner and it has gone away now and seems to be driving fine. I appreciate the help.
