Rear Badge meaning? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Badge meaning?


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November 19, 2023
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Explorer XLT 2017
can anyone tell me what the strange looking badge on the rear of my 2017 explorer is, looks like an 'A' above the letter 'M' shaped like a triangle,


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Quite possibly a trim package not available here in America, I am sure they sell different trim levels in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia!
A quick google search resulted in nothing for me.

Welcome to ef! How is construction of the worlds tallest Building coming?

can anyone tell me what the strange looking badge on the rear of my 2017 explorer is, looks like an 'A' above the letter 'M' shaped like a triangle,
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Check around to see if other Explorers have the same badge.


Quite possibly a trim package not available here in America, I am sure they sell different trim levels in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia!
A quick google search resulted in nothing for me.

Welcome to ef! How is construction of the worlds tallest Building coming?
Good day buddy, I trust you are well and having a great day, thanks for replying and your kind welcome 🙏
As for the tallest building I really can't say, it's far from me but I am working at a site where we are building the biggest shipyard in the middle east :) Saudi does like to do things on a grand scale. How's things over where you are?

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Check around to see if other Explorers have the same badge.

Thanks Peter, I've seen it a few times over here, not sure if it's a Ford thing or a middle east thing. Can't find anything online or any other images of it, even tried a Google image search but nothing csme up.

Any Ford dealers around where you are? Ask them.

Thanks Peter, I've seen it a few times over here, not sure if it's a Ford thing or a middle east thing. Can't find anything online or any other images of it, even tried a Google image search but nothing csme up.
The only thing that came to mind was that ii could stand for AMerican. :dunno:


I thought it was a Past Masters logo, but it’s different.

It does appear to be mounted slightly crooked, if it was a factory badge it would be perfectly straight/ level

Things here in north Idaho u.s.a are great!!

thanks for asking. I had a part in the elevator designs for the tallest tower, kingdom tower it was called back when I worked on it.
I believe they have changed the name now, I am semi retired now and “out of the loop”

Also anyone can put any type of badge on their car.
I have one that is a V8 even though I have a 6 banger

So I was behind a timberline” trim explorer this am here in north Idaho USA and the badge looks very familiar


And it’s not mounted perfectly straight

Is your explorer a timberline addition?

So I was behind a timberline” trim explorer this am here in north Idaho USA and the badge looks very familiar

And it’s not mounted perfectly straight

Is your explorer a timberline addition?
It's an XLT.
