Rear Center Console Height | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Center Console Height


Active Member
June 21, 2013
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Chicago Burbs
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Sport
For those with the 2nd row center console - Is the top of the console flush (or close to flush) with the 2nd row seats when they are folded down? Anybody have pictures?

2017 Sport - Just upgraded yesterday from a '13 limited!

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Here is a Ford website picture of the second row with console in a Platinum model.
The console armrest lid lifts from the back and flips forward, unlike the front row that opens from the front. It is made this way so that when you fold the 2nd row seat forward you can open that 2nd row armrest and flip it forward, which leaves the cargo bed somewhat level - instead of having the armrest lid sticking up and blocking a flat cargo bed.


Excellent, thank you! That's exactly what I needed.

Ridiculous question: When the armrest is flipped forward, do you think it would support the weight of a 25 pound dog? :)
My dogs are my kids o_O and ride in back with the seats down at least 4-5 times a week.

Excellent, thank you! That's exactly what I needed.
Ridiculous question: When the armrest is flipped forward, do you think it would support the weight of a 25 pound dog? :)
My dogs are my kids o_O and ride in back with the seats down at least 4-5 times a week.
The hinge on that console armrest is not designed for much stress, plus the console would be open - meaning there is an empty opening. In addition, those seat backs are not all that sturdy and can be cracked or broken. To be safe you'll probably need to fashion some type of supportive cargo floor that spans the console and provides a 'hard' floor. Just my 2¢...

Thanks again, i just found a picture of it open on the levitown parts site.

On my '13 i actually made a couple nice support panels out of thick gauge sheet metal, and covered them with auto carpeting that matched the seat backs. On the opposite side used velcro to secure them. These were for the flimsy stock panels that fold down behind the seats to make the flat cargo floor. I tried them with the powerfold seats in the '17, but they are too heavy. I may look at making some thinner/lighter ones.
