Rear Door adjustment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Door adjustment


New Member
August 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Orange County
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLT
I am not sure how I managed this, but my back door came out of alignment and will not close all the way. The reveal at the top looks too wide and the door appears too high compared to the body. Is there a hinge adjustment to line this back up?

A few questions,,,,,
opne the door and give it a jiggle. Is it loose ?

Get infront of the door with your eye ball infront of the latch area. Just using hand pressure push on the door like you are trying to gently shut it. Does it raise up or drop down as you push on it ? or does it stay straight ?

I am trying to determine if the issue is in the striker ( what the latch latches on to ) or is it in the hinges
or both.

The latches work well except they do not line up with the striker well enough to close completely. I can not open the door all the day because the top hook with the body and if I force it I will bend/chip paint. It seems the hinges have some adjustment that the come out of alignment. When I close the door as much as it will close there is a large gap at the top and the door is higher than it should be.

I am worried it I try to adjust something I will make it worse.

Okay sounds to me like the hingea are the suspect.

With it being the back door you are in luck.

Close the door all the way. Crack loose all four of the bolts that go into the pillar.
DO NOT loosen the ones that go into the door. Lossen them a bit, enough to see them move. Tighten them back up, and you should be back to normal.

My only concern is how it got that way. :scratches head:
