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Rear doors can't open from inside


January 27, 2011
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So both my rear driver doors will not open from the inside. The child lock is in fact turned off. I replaced one of the sides with a new handle and it still won't open it just pulls but nothing happens. I have heard of a bent rod on the insides of these if someone tries to open it to hard while it is locked? Does that sound like my problem? If so can someone explain how straightening that rod out works?

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Are you 100% sure the child locks are off and disengaging sounds strange both sides break the same way odds are very low something like that could happen with normal use.

Yes they are for sure off. It didn't happen at the same time or anything. The passenger one quit working a month ago and the driver just about a week ago.

I took them apart and it looks like maybe the rod is bent on one of them and that the gears are stripped out on the other side door handle

Was it previously a police interceptor ?

never seen sport tracs as police interceptors.

I got it fixed. I'd imagine it is from one of my idiot friends (I've never ridden back there) pulling the handle to hard while the door was locked. Unfortunately it seems that Ford interior door handle setups are usually pretty weak.

Neither of the back doors on my '94 Explorer will open from the inside and I can't figure out why. Everything seems to be moving properly. Those doors are almost impossible to see inside. Doesn't matter now that I have my Sport Trac! The Explorer rarely has back seat passengers now, and it's getting tired.

About 10 years ago my son, who was about 10 at the time, broke the metal inside door handle in my '78 F100 right in two - and not at the weakest point when the screw hole is. He just opened the door normally and it broke. Never saw that before. He had just had Grandma's mac and cheese for lunch, so we figured that gave him more strength than he was used to.

Neither one of my rear doors have opened from the inside in years. I didn't ever get into the back seat so I didn't worry about it much. I checked the Child locks both ways and they are def off. Never been inside a door before though...

I didn't want to say it. Lol

yeh i have seen standard ford explorers used for government and municipalities in fact the air force base i am at uses explorers for the K-9 units

and on a side note most police interceptors use the child lock switch to lock the back

Thank you!

I have the same problem on both rear doors!

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