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Rear drum brake fell apart

January 11, 2011
City, State
Carpinteria, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Sport
I noticed that my brake pedal was losing presure so I took the rear drivers side tire off and the drum to take a look. When I took the drum off, a buch of little parts fell out including some spring pieces. I don't know what they are and I need to use the X to transport myself. Any help appreciated!

I have a 1991 explorer sport 4wd 2 door
Disc brakes in the front and drums in the back.

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..You can buy the parts locally at most auto parts stores as needed...;)

..What usually happens is the half moon part wears out and the parking brake cable jumps off the tract...Those parts and cables can get caught in your brake pads and effect your stopping ability...

...If you need all the parts they are about $100 new for both sides..

..There are a few pics floating around here of the rear drum brake set up if you do a search..

I noticed that my brake pedal was losing presure so I took the rear drivers side tire off and the drum to take a look. When I took the drum off, a buch of little parts fell out including some spring pieces. I don't know what they are and I need to use the X to transport myself. Any help appreciated!

I have a 1991 explorer sport 4wd 2 door
Disc brakes in the front and drums in the back.

20 year old car you need to get to work every day? Your very next purchase should be a manual. Any half decent one will have pictures of a correctly assembled drum brake. The sides are mirror images, FYI, and I should think if you did a google image search you might find some pictures too, if you cannot afford a $15 manual right now.

this site gives me plenty of information,plus the other side was still intact so I mirrored it. The actual problem was the E brake cable wore through which jammed up the brakes with the little parts. and one of the other springs broke too. I got a kit that kit that redid both sides plus i put new shoes on it.

My old adjusters in the rear drums love to fall out when I hit hard bumps :(

I have learned to drive slower since my shocks are also bad.
