Rear Fender Liner | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Fender Liner


October 2, 2010
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'02 Ranger XLT 4x4
So I tried searching with no luck (here and google), as to whether or not there is a rear fender liner for the gen 2 Explorers. I'd like to have these as my rear body mounts, body side, on my '99 XLS are gone and I plan to weld in new mounts. I'd hate to see them rust out again. Might possibly be able to make the liners from a '93-'97 Ranger work but I'd like something made to fit if possible. Can't stand to see the old girl rot away. Tube rockers are in the works also.

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Nothing huh? Guess I'll make some.

To my knowledge the Gen II Explorer's never had rear fender liners.

I have never noticed rear liners on 1st or 2nd gens in the junkyards. Only fronts, and only finding those in good shape is rare for me. I find it strange that most are totally missing.

I know mine didn't come with them and it definitely looks uglier to not have them, but I don't notice much if not looking.

Considering the vehicle is now 18 y/o, I'd imagine they won't rust through again before the rest of the vehicle. If nothing else you could put undercoating or bed liner on them.

This thing is weird. Drivers side rocker is gone, passenger side is nearly perfect. And the rear body mounts are gone. Everything else looks brand new or pretty close to it. Rear fender lips are even intact with some minor bubbling just starting. I never liked Explorers until I bought one, now it's easily one of my favorite vehicles I've ever owned.

I never liked Explorers until I bought one, now it's easily one of my favorite vehicles I've ever owned.

I know what you mean. We've had a bunch of them in the past 6-7 years. We're down to 3 now (the ST is the latest spare and my daily driver/hauler). I try not to use by 5.0 EB very much because I want it to last as long as possible. With nearly 200k on it it's still in amazing condition mechanically, inside and out. One of the best vehicles I've ever owned (and I've owned a lot of vehicles over the years).

I've had two Rangers before the Explorer and both of those went well over 200k. The 2002 I had went up north to be used as a hunting truck. That was a 4.0 5-speed 4x4 with a TT and body lift on 33's, custom bumpers, Hurst, it goes on for days. My family out grew that truck. My first Ranger was a '94 2.3 2wd that I lowered. Has 263k on it now. Got that one back and it's going to donate its rubber bed mat to the rear wheel wells of the Explorer. I also have some huge mud flaps from my Dodge pickup that will go on for winter. Trucks been retired from snow duty.
I wish I could have found a 5.0 explorer but for $500 I couldn't go wrong with my XLS.
