Rear lift gate FIXES??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear lift gate FIXES???


June 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Oklahoma City, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLS - KD5YKM
I know of a recall on the lift gate tube mounts had a reinforcement riveted on the lft gate, but I'm, scratching my head about the hinge portion. The damn thing keeps flexing and it's pissing me off! There's not enough metal there to actually weld something, at least I don't think there is, and the crimp welds suck and do nothing for support. Has anyone come up with, or have an idea on how I can reinforce the hinge area on the lift gate itself to keep the door from caving in on itself? thanks.

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rear lift gate fixes?

I posted in the general section about the problems I have with 2 of my explorers lift gates. The part where the hinge is on the gate shell itself is WEAK and although I sort of fixed one, I've got one that has completely friggin caved in on itself. Any ideas? New lift gate from a salvage yard? What goes on first? the lift supports and then bolt the gate on? Or vice versa?

Please don't double post in sperate sections. I merged the two threads, and left this one in General, as it gets more traffic. Thanks.

What I'm planning on doing is reinforcing one of the sides (where the brake lights are), getting the hinges from a Lexus Suv and just having the door swing out instead of up. Other than that, you got me.

I have a 93'.
The only issue I have had with my liftgate is actually were the strikers are mounted on the body. They have shifted a little.

I think that if your problem was fairly common, it might end up a recall or at least talked about here. You could try reinforcing the hinge by simply welding to the same area. Only other fix I can think of is replacing the gate. The gate shell and skin are sold as one unit. If you haven't replaced those gate lifters under the recall, you should, hell it's free.
Good luck

huh? what is caving in?

we have 2 Xs a 94 and 96
my 94 has been rolled twice and the hatch has remained intact with no caving in of any sort
