Rear Rotors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Rotors?


January 26, 2005
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1994 Ford Explorer Sport
Okay had the car taken in for annual inspection, they said that the rear rotors were worn and the rear brakes. Does the 94 Ford Explorer sport even have the option of rear rotors. All the catalogues I've browsed thru don't even sell them. I have yet to take the rear wheels off to look, but I'm a bit skeptical at this point. :confused:

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I've never seen a first gen. with 4 wheel disc brakes.

you should be able to see throught the wheel if they're disc or drum...i'd bet drum, though

Disk brakes were not available on explorers till 1995. First Gen explorers have drum brakes in the rear.

they probably were meaning drum...Those still can go bad

Okay nevermind yeah it says front rotors and rear brake shoes, the guy at the counter confused me, but on the paper it says that.

So anyone have any tips on these rear shoes, or is it atypical I'd imagine like any other drum?

Well I put the new brake shoes on and the drums, wasn't too bad, though those springs weren't exactly friendly took some talent to get the passengers side assembled. But I ran it topped off with a synthetic Dot 3 to bleed the brakes, and it didn't like the mix. Now the whole system has to be flushed....word of advice to people bleeding brakes, don't mix a synth in they have different physical properties and it creates an airation imbalance in the system because of the way they mix I guess.

A full flush should be okay...
